Readers told about the actions of their parents who prove their limitless love for children


We have several times published the history of our readers about parental deeds that caused a health offense. Some adults did not restrain the promise, others were unfairly punished, the third did not support their children in a difficult moment and did not defend. Fortunately, not all parents are. Some of our subscribers talked about cases from their childhood, in which the most sincere love of their dads and mothers felt.

We in would like such stories much more than the story about children's resentment.


When I was 7 years old, I cut out a rose on my mother's evening dress, on the rest (I wanted to make a coat for my poupe). Then mom put on his dress, and dad laughed for a long time ... they did not even disorder me. Since that time once a month, Mom went to the aunt in the house of the house and brought many different beautiful trimming fabrics ... Now I am a crucible, sewing a lot of beautiful things. I am grateful to my parents for their love! © Alena Evgenievna / Facebook


I remember, as you were visiting close relatives. I, to talk with a cousin through an auditory window (it was in the bathroom), climbed to the toilet tank. We shared, I did not think about the consequences. Something there in the tank lusted and glanced. I went out with a drooping head, I think, all, Khan me. But brother's parents were frightened that I would cry now, and they themselves began to console me. I still consider this an example of parental durability and excerpts. © Agnes Sozonova / Facebook


I really liked the doll - german, with white hair and in blue with white lace dress. But she cost 12 rubles! Huge money for toys for those times. I was put in the hospital for almost a month, and mommy, having come to visit, naturally, asks what I want. Of course a doll! The next day she was! It was happiness! It was the beginning of the third class. My mom was just extraordinary! © Irina Brazhnikova / Facebook


Readers told about the actions of their parents who prove their limitless love for children 8286_1
© Arzulinka Abdullayev / Facebook


When I was in the 4th grade, our class teacher gave birth to a child. Parents collected some amount to buy her a gift. Sent my mom, giving her a task to buy a big bear. When Mom brought him home, I lost the gift of speech. I have never had anything similar, and a real doll (with a hairstyle, in a sailor suit) was only one. We lived very modestly, but I wanted this bear so much ... And my mother left him me. I went and bought a teacher of another, a little wrong. How I loved him! When my nephew was already 12 years old, he saw this bear, wounded, with a damaged paw, and took himself. This bear lived a big and useful life ... I still wonder that Mom bought me this bear. © NTU Autumn / Facebook


I was very lucky with my parents. They both grew up in the village, and no one taught them their basics of pedagogy, but they were always on my side and respected my personality. I remember my grandmother girlfriend accused me that I stole her perfume "Krasnaya Moscow" when we played them ... The next day, I took me from school. We walked together, and I saw this grandmother ahead, I remembered, I cried and told all the dad. He immediately caught up with her and demanded an explanation, she began to justify. Then it turned out that the spirits stood on the refrigerator and fell over him. I am very grateful to my parents and remember all these cases, I always knew that they were on my side. © Altia Zagirova / Facebook


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Thanks to the fate that I have the best parents in the world. It would seem a trifle, and so I remember. I was 8-9 years old, drawing lesson. They asked us to draw the beach, the sea and the like. I could hardly try, painted a landscape with palm trees, seagulls and a growing pineapple. For the work received the top three, as the teacher said that the landscape should be realistic, and I was naphtantazed, and pineapple should grow on Palma. In the upset feelings of the house, I told my mother about it, showed my drawing. She hugged me, said not to be upset. At that time, the Internet was only at Mom at work. And the next day she printed an article about how pineapples grow, and went to school, and I didn't even know about it. I don't know what they were talking about there, but in the next drawing lesson, the top three corrected me on the top five. © Anastasiya Avcı / Facebook


I am 32 years. 11 years live separately from parents. Recently, Mom called and asked to come to her, revise old notebooks and decide, maybe some of them are no longer needed. And my parents keep the Hippo, which I was blinded from clay at 13, and another Easter egg painted in the same years. I really appreciate it. © Lilia Strzhenko / Facebook


As a child, he lived with dad and grandmother in the village, very poorly, dad did not pay a salary, lived only on a grandmother retirement. And a little bit of their farm. In school, for some reason I was unbelievable, the boys mocked, called Rudna. Dad knew it, worried much. But the talk with the teachers did not help. And once, in the 8th grade, we had a beauty contest "Miss" Golden Autumn "." I so stuck that I unexpectedly announced my participation. My dad, having learned about it, understood how important it is for my self-esteem. He drove to one girl and bought her gorgeous graduation dress for me. Already for 500 hryvnia - then for us it was just a huge amount. At the competition, I received the 2nd place, which shocked absolutely everyone, because everyone considered me Rudy. And this papin act I remember all my life with trepidation and gratitude. © Anastasia Samsonova / Facebook


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© Maria Azema / Facebook


I bought mother's flowers once for the surrender. The delivery was 10 kopecks, and one tulip cost 5 - it turned out 2 tulips. I was 7 years old, I had no idea, from how many colors a bouquet consists. I was such a proud came home, my mother opened the door, I saw me with flowers, I was delighted, I handed it a bouquet. And then Mom looked around and put flowers in a vase. He loved and told me that it was accepted to give an odd number of colors. Then we put it on one flower in small vases, and both were satisfied and happy. Since then, I really like to give mom flowers. And Mom loves flowers, so, even living away from the parents, I order on the Internet and send her bouquets, it is very nice! © Lucia Sh / Facebook


At school, my daughter once accused of stealing money from the portfolio only on the grounds that it was the latter left the dressing room to physical culture. Having arrived from work on the call and seeing a plank daughter, I screamed, I didn't choose my feet and expressions. As experience shows, all these social teachers, wides and others are simply not used to such violent parents like me. For the most part, parents do not go to the conflict and pumped their heads. I believe that at home you can deal with and swear. It is necessary to tear on people for a child. And yes, I have excellent relations with my daughter. © Anna Shalashidi / Facebook


My parents always explained if some thing was not affordable to us. But I tried to please: Sometimes I found a welcome gift under the pillow, just like that! I remember how, waking up, fled to show my mother, and she smiled and hugged me. I have been making myself and handing myself with a needle, all the same! Because she gave me invaluable me - his love! © Natalia Warzov / Facebook


I had a case when at the lesson a neighbor on the desk asked to transfer the boy's note. She liked her very much. The teacher caught me at the time of transfer of the note and began to shave in front of the whole class. In addition, the next day she caused mom to school. Mom with a stone face listened to all the comments about the fact that I supposedly consist of a romantic relationship and do everyone, just not lessons. When the teacher finished her speech, her mother asked: "And what's wrong with that my daughter can like a boy?" Here the teacher just froze, she did not expect such a turn. But it became good for me, because I realized that they would not give me offense. Mom and now my girlfriend. © Sheyla Shekili / Facebook

Tell me and you are some kind of pleasant case from your childhood.

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