From the Moscow market almost all unreliable developers went

From the Moscow market almost all unreliable developers went 8271_1

The favorable trends report "Izvestia", referring to experts in the real estate market.

According to Metreum Group of Managing Partner, Mary Latinetsk, last year, the share of objects minted in the Moscow market of new buildings of the mass segment grew by 5% - from 57% to 62.1%. What is surprising, growth occurred contrary to the coronacrisis and the suspension of the construction projects for a whole month.

"The share of projects with timely commissioning is really growing: Developers are striving to abide by the deadlines, and the long-term go to the past," Aleksey Perlin agrees with Lithinetska.

Experts believe that it is necessary to thank for this to the reform of equity construction, according to which the developers instead of contributions of the shareholders for new buildings should use credit funds and escrow accounts. The reform, according to experts, washed away from the "random players" from the market, but the remaining began to fight for the client for the deadlines for the delivery of objects.

It is also known that since April 2020, and by the end of the year, the moratorium was acted on recognizing new buildings problem. However, after its end of a sharp growth of long-terroev, as it would be expected, did not happen. However, if we talk about general figures, they are still sufficient - in the Rightpalchers' Rights Protection Fund, they say that at the end of last year the registry of problem new buildings included 2846 objects, now - 2861. (There are already enough high-profile cases - you can recall at least deceived LCD shareholders. Filatov meadow "or a new building near Domodedovo Airport, which we wrote about the other day.)

Moreover, experts indicate that in recent years there is a number of bankruptcies among major developers: in 2018, 12 developers who built more than 100 thousand square meters took place from the market. M Housing, in 2019 - six, in 2020 - already two.

At the same time, as "Izvestia" told in the rating agency of the construction complex (SCH), the number of bankruptcies of small companies, which raise less than 5 thousand square meters, was significantly increased. M. Member of the Attec Board of Directors Alexander Nikolaev explains that the market left to 80% of small unreliable developers.


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