"Route from despair": the wife of a paralyzed actor Janina said that her son suspected the oncology


The dramatic history of life of the once popular Aktéra Alexei Yanin knows almost everything. The young man was in demand in the movie, shot a lot.

Alexey Yanin in the series "stronger destiny." Photo Stuki-Druki

The man married a second time - on the participant of the 5th season of the stars factory Darius Klyudnikova. In 2012, the Couple was born with son Andrei. It would seem to live, rejoice.

Wedding Darius Klyudnikova and Alexei Yanina. Photo Teleprogramma.pro.

But in 2015 the trouble happened - Alexey Yanin suffered an extensive stroke and fell into someone. The cause of the doctor called chronic fatigue.

Daria Janina and Alexey after stroke. Photo Teleprogramma.pro.

After some time, the son of Janini and the Son of Janine - 4-year-old Andryusha. Only now Daria decided to give a detailed interview to the transfer of "close people" on the TV channel "Russia 1" about the difficult time that the family has experienced then. According to her, the doctors could not understand that with a child and gave negative forecasts for chances to survive for her husband, broken by stroke. The woman admitted that he did not know how to be, and simply "took from despair", because the boy's preliminary diagnosis was an oncological disease.

Mama Alexey came to the rescue - she took her son to himself and devoted her life to care for him. And Daria was able to devote himself to devote himself to his son to completely - drove into hospitals until the correct diagnosis was made. It turned out that it was not oncology, but a rare disease, which is treated and now 8-year-old Andrei is absolutely healthy.

Alexey Janin and Mom Olga Andreevna. Photo Teleprogramma.pro.

Thanks to the treatment and support of their relatives, Alexey Yanin came out of the coma, but only in 2017 he was able to speak. His mother reported recently that the son is already talking, he sits and eats himself, can stand with the help of a device. Doctors who have not gave him chances even to life, surprised and promise that with such dynamics a man can return to normal life.

Daria Janina with his son now. Photo Teleprogramma.pro.

Daria and his son regularly visit Alexey, but to pick it up home can not - the wife works a lot to have means for rehabilitation, the son still learns.

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