Signs of hormonal failure to which women often do not pay attention

Signs of hormonal failure to which women often do not pay attention 8266_1

Inland, stress, experiences and improper nutrition became frequent satellites of almost every person. Negative factors can provoke a hormonal failure in the body. And for the feminine body, this is especially harmful because not only the appearance is worsened, but also the work of all internal organs.

Is it possible to somehow reveal the hormone imbalances? Yes, and today we will tell how to do it.

Signs of hormonal failure to which few people pay attention

And just need to follow the way you look, and listen to your body. Below will be the factors on which you should concentrate attention.

1. Sharp weight fluctuations

If you are not sitting on diets, do not play sports, but suddenly they began to lose weight sharply, this is an alarming bell. The same applies to the unnecessary set of extra kilograms, if your nutrition has not changed. Weight fluctuations without visible reasons are a significant reason to visit the endocrinologist. And the faster, the better!

2. Sweeping on the skin

Usually the appearance of acne is associated with poor nutrition or with the fact that the girl is incorrectly cares for his skin. But after a few days, rashes pass. If you did not change the nutrition and skin care, and acne appeared and do not disappear, it is associated with hormones.

Signs of hormonal failure to which women often do not pay attention 8266_2
Photo source: 3. The breast shape has changed

If you notice that the breast marked or the incomprehensible kind of seal appeared in it, you need to immediately go to the three doctors: to the gynecologist, to a mammologist and an endocrinologist. Such unpleasant symptoms are associated with a change in the hormonal background.

4. Strong fatigue

If you always slept tightly, and recently faced with insomnia without reasons for it, it is a reason to turn to the endocrinologist. Sleep eight and more hours a day, but still feel broken and tired? Perhaps in your body an excess of progesterone, but only a doctor will be able to deliver an accurate diagnosis.

5. Hair loss

There is nothing terrible in the fact that after each oscillation you lose some hairs. This is normal! But if the process came out of control, and you literally beams collect your own hair with combs and from all surfaces in the house, you can no longer spend money on expensive shampoos and immediately go to the doctor. Most likely, this is a hormonal failure.

6. Appearance of Usov

The appearance of small hair over the upper lip, on the cheeks or breasts talking about the hormone imbalance in the female organism. Urgently visit the endocrinologist!

7. Depression

If you do not have visible reasons for sadness, and you feel the longing and indifference to all that is happening, then antidepressants and hiking to the psychologist are unlikely to help. Most likely, the reason for depression is a hormonal failure, and the medicines appointed by the endocrinologist will again be returned to the vigor and a wonderful mood.

Signs of hormonal failure to which women often do not pay attention 8266_3
Photo source: 8. Increased sweating

Of course, this symptom may not be associated with hormonal imbalances, but it's better to check the doctor.

Do not panic and get upset if you have discovered one or more of the above signs! Contact an endocrinologist and it will help you to figure it out. It is possible that nothing about any hormonal failure and speech is coming, you just need to adjust the diet, more often walking out in the fresh air, to play sports and sleep at least eight hours a day.

Be healthy!

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