No bans: 5 products that can be used at any time of the day


5 products that can be used in the morning, and in the evening, without fear of health and shape.

No bans: 5 products that can be used at any time of the day 8258_1

Even the most useful food can cause harm to organize if it is not used at the time of day. Fortunately, from any rules there are exceptions: we have found at least five products that you can eat ever, without looking at the clock and without fear of health and shape.


Kefir supplies the body with calcium and protein, purifies from slags and normalizes the intestinal microflora. Fried in the morning on an empty stomach, kefir accelerates metabolism and partially saturate, preventing overeating, and eliminates the characteristic morning smell of mouth. Kefir is useful and before bedtime: the low-calorie drink quenches the hunger and is not postponed by unnecessary centimeters on the waist, and tryptophan in its composition has a soothing and relaxing effect, contributing to a strong sleep. By the morning kefir completely digested, and you will wake up with a feeling of ease of abdominal.

No bans: 5 products that can be used at any time of the day 8258_2


Exotic superfood rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals is useful at any time of the day. In the morning, he activates metabolic processes and gives the body a charge of cheerfulness. The evening is also a great time for avocado, as it satisfies his pulp well and not postponed into fat. Moreover, the fruit accelerates the process of weight loss and purifies the body from slags and toxins, as it contains a lot of dietary fiber. And the fruits are rich in potassium, which strengthens the nervous system and prevents stress and insomnia.


Broccoli cabbage is among the vegetables with the highest content of proteins, vitamins, minerals and microelements. In this case, the caloric content of broccoli is striving for zero, which means it can be used at any time of the day without fear of excess weight. In addition, vegetable culture is rich in potassium: it calms the nerves, normalizes sleep and increases stress resistance. In the morning and the day the cabbage is better to eat in the raw form, and in the evening - cooked for a couple to avoid night fermentation in the intestine.

No bans: 5 products that can be used at any time of the day 8258_3


An indispensable product for those who want to lose weight. The use of fruit overnight is quenched hungry and prevents the accumulation of fats. In addition, the pear prevents congestive processes: while you will sleep, it will help the body to cleanse from slags and other harmful substances. And fruit for breakfast stimulates digestion for a whole day, providing better digestibility of all foods eaten during the day. A pear is especially useful after a rich feast - it will restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract and will relieve the feeling of gravity and heartburn.

Goat cheese

Goat Cheese is an excellent source of protein, which is absorbed faster and easier than meat and cheeses of solid varieties. In the morning, several pieces of the useful product will improve appetite and digestion, will increase performance and add strength. Goat Cheese is low-caloriene, so it can be safely eaten for dinner, without fearing to recover. In addition, thanks to tryptophan, the cheese helps to relax and tune in to the rest, so nutritionists recommend to eat a couple of slices for sleep coming. Another reason to be touched by cheese for dinner: the liver works more actively at night, and cheese supports it, supplying vitamins and helping cleaning blood from toxins.

No bans: 5 products that can be used at any time of the day 8258_4

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