"They just decided to make money in High": Ksenia Borodina condemned the novel of children-tickers - 8-year-old girls and a 13-year-old teenager


ON TIMES, OH MOVA! Now in social networks are actively discussing the relationship of famous Ticketers from Ukraine 8-year-old Mahanets and her friend, 13-year-old blogger Pasha Pala. In children, the novel and they, apparently, even live together. It did not remain indifferent to this story and Ksenia Borodin, which wrote a perturbed post in his microblog.

Mila Mahanets and Pasha Pai, photo: instagram.com/milamaxanets

TV presenter, which for many years led the Dom-2 scandalous project, also not distinguished by special morality, admitted that she was shocked by the parents of Mila, with the filing of which their child "puts out his legs in leather pants, wearing short skirts and demonstrates passionate kisses."

Borodina wrote that she would like to "climb" and not to look at what these children do. And all the videos and photos take off and lay out the mother of a young model for which her daughter seemed to become a means of earnings. Ksenia believes that supervisory authorities should not leave this story without attention.

Eeeee ... drove up another post, where with marks in Storsith, the generation of Tick Tok will tell me that I am a grandmother the oldest, and the house 2 will remember where I certainly promoted family values, but the main thing is not to say, the rest is not interesting. Why am I all,

News of the day. The boy of 13 years has started a relationship with a girl for 8 years. These are children, from which side do not look. But on what they do want to climb. Sexualization in full swing, everything in stock: Call views, passionate, unequivocal poses and hugs, clothes that escaped from movies for completely adults and "passionate" kisses. And all this with parental feed. Moreover, Vidio shoots the mother of the baby. Her how? All right???? Or tick brain current ??? I will not believe in life that the 8 year old girl herself learned to look at the guy and mastered those poses that are captured in the photo. Or that the boy at the age of 13 is already such a frantic macho. On the video, the girl spreads his legs in tight leather pants, sitting on the edge of the table, or wears super short skirts, sitting on his knees from this guy. And it removes this all mother .. Instead of normal, according to age, the development of them was blinded by the "man" and "woman." It is clear that for children it is a game in "adults", it is clear that they and half do not realize what they are doing. But mother? Parents? They just decided to make money in Haip. Cool and not much care about such concepts as unreunional corruption, sexualization. I'm shocked and angry. Where are our supervisory authorities? What needs to be done to put the brains for adults who have decided to make content on mockery of children? How to find a board to the mother, who herself does not understand what makes with an 8-year-old child, depriving her normal childhood and growing up?

I do not know how this can be in general, do you have at least some sensible thoughts on the situation?

Original (Borodylia)

So, it became known that the Ombudsman Nikolai Kuleba has already appealed to law enforcement about this. And many lawyers saw in history with the novel of children and corruption of juvenile, and, among other things, the propaganda of pedophilia.

Non-Lesky Roman Mila and Pasha shut down the social network, photo: instagram.com/milamaxanets

And on the page of Mila, which in Instagram leads her mother, about the relationship of the girl with a teenager can find such an entry:

"People think that we are together because we forced us to earn us, this is Hip. You are a pity, you do not believe in love. You, not knowing us, come up with something about us. Not realizing that it is you breeding our lives, not our parents. "

As they say, no comment ...

Meanwhile, a tragedy occurred in the family of the singer of glory. And Kirill Safonov shared a rare photo with a 2-year-old son.

The singer of the drawing, in turn, complains of betraying in connection with participation in Eurovision.

What do you think about the novel of children-tickers? Write your attitude to the situation in the comments.

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