Grandma 22 years brought up his grandson. It turned out, this is not a grandson, but granddaughter


The story of Maryan Darmer is unusual, because not every grandmother has to hear from an adult grandson that he is actually granddaughter. But it was precisely such news that I had to listen to American actress. She was very close to her grandson, but in the whole of 22 years did not notice anything strange.

Female Patriarchal Education

Maryan Darmer was born in the 50s. in NYC. She grew up in an authoritarian family and studied at the Catholic School of Bronx, where the pupils clearly explained what kind of people are righteous, and which are sinners.

After Marieland moved to Texas, the staff with very conservative views. The fact that there are something different people, mayor at that time and could not think. For the first time on the difficulties of human sexuality and gender, she learned when he entered the theatrical school. In the creative environment there were always people "not like everyone else."

Dream of grandson

Grandma 22 years brought up his grandson. It turned out, this is not a grandson, but granddaughter 8238_1


When Maryan was already in 50, her first grandson appeared. The woman had the only daughter, so she always dreamed of a boy. In order to be closer to the grandchildren, she returned to New York.

The daughter worked a lot, so my grandmother was engaged in the education of the boy almost all the time. Marieland changed his job, he was written and actively advocated the rights of women. Who knew that she would soon have to actively deal with the rights of his grandson.

Ordinary grandmother and unusual grandson

Marieland so wanted to raise the boy that he did not notice the girl's maidenhood at all. She put it in shorts and shirts, bought cars, robots and pistols. And the boy was not interested at all. Maryan even looked at the grandson of school, where she studied alone boys. But he could not stand it there for a long time. I had to change an educational institution for a regular school. Maryan then did not give this importance, deciding that the grasses simply did not have a relationship in the team.

Grandma 22 years brought up his grandson. It turned out, this is not a grandson, but granddaughter 8238_2


Next were college and university. For all this time, Maryan never saw the oddities in her boy. She even seriously thought about the bride for a grandson. The guy grew up, it was knocked 22, and there was no girl nearby. Maryan dreamed of great-grandfathers.

Frank confession

When Marieland began to hint the guy on the fact that it was time to find a girlfriend, he grazed her with frank recognition. It turned out that all these 22 years the guy himself felt like a woman. He confessed to her grandmother, which would like to change the floor.

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Maryan was stunned. She did not understand how she could not notice such radical changes in the grandson. After all, they were very close, the boy shared with her grandmother with all the secrets, absolutely trusted her. So Maryan thought all this time. But it turned out not quite so. Grandma knew about the grandson not all.

Take reality was not easy

While the guy is preparing for a sex change operation, Maryan is going to become a grandmother again - now granddaughter. A woman admits that at first she was difficult for her to take validity, because it broke all her life foundations. She was brought up differently. And although in the actors' environment, she looked at a lot, but did not expect a transgender at all in her family.

After a few days of shock, love for grandson won. Maryan wrote to her boy, which supports it 100% and ready to appear granddaughter. She began to read the literature and watch movies about how the floor was passed, how people feel in another body feel. It was very helped by Kaming-Auts of famous actors, thanks to which the problem of transgenderness ceased to be something forbidden.

Now Maryan is experiencing only for what his granddaughter is offended by something. For example, call it the same name or tell her "he". The fact that for many people seems to be trifle, transgender is perceived very painfully.

Maryan regrets only that there are so many memories and photos with grandson. But if a person is uncomfortable in his body, he needs a help hand, not to turn away. Maryan's story Her grandson taught to appreciate genuine life.

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