Why men leave: 3 no obvious causes

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About the causes of a man's care from the relationship is written quite a few. Their great set: from betraying and cooled feelings before depreciation of the woman's qualities of the partner and initially different purposes pursued by the Union. But that's not all. It turns out that there are hidden motives of breaking relationships. Read today in the magazine



3 unexpected reasons for which men leave

What can push them to desperate step?

1. Chronicle pressure
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Photo: Pinterest

Women are often taken to improve, fix relationships with a man, forgetting that he feels. And he constantly hears how he needed to look, with whom to communicate, and with whom there is no, how much and where to earn, how to behave, etc. Believe me, the sensations are not from the best. Men do not like to feel helpless, do not tolerate when they are criticized, report or ridicule. Such pressure on the part of a woman leads to the fact that its partner closes in itself and is thinking about collecting suitcases to the exit.

2. Extra competition
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Photo: Pinterest

Competition in men in the blood. But one thing when they compete with other representatives of the strong sex to prove their superiority in sports or at work, and the other when they have to compete with the beloved woman. For example, public clarification of relations like someone is right, and who is to blame, this is an attempt to establish superiority in a pair. Permanent comparisons who and how many earn in the family is also the struggle for the palm of championship.

Everything exacerbates if the woman begins to earn more of his man. She often dismisses it and praises him, which ensures herself itself and he doesn't need it. Permanent conflicts on this basis in aggregate with the desire to leave the last word for themselves also do not affect the relationship. Therefore, a woman needs to decide that it is more important for her: infinite competition or a calm atmosphere of the house. Continuing to compete with a man, she will definitely not be in winning.

3. Mock and disrespect
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Photo: Pinterest

A woman who does not show respect for his man will never delay in a relationship for a long time. She should always be on his side, provide support and take small weaknesses of their second half. No one is pleasant to anyone and only remove partners in relations.

If you notice that you do something out of the above, it's time to stop and start changing. Do not put too much to put pressure on a man, compete with him for leadership and frankly not respect. Show the softness of character, surround it with warmth, treat him with understanding and then he will answer you with reciprocity instead of thinking about the break of relationships.

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