The permits of opening new stations of technical inspection are planned to go to Almaty


The permits of opening new stations of technical inspection are planned to go to Almaty

The permits of opening new stations of technical inspection are planned to go to Almaty

Almaty. February 22. KazTAG - On the permitting procedure for opening new stations of technical inspection, plan to move to Almaty, the agency correspondent reports.

"To date, within the framework of the roadmap, issues of change with notifying the permitting procedure for opening new technical inspection operators, as well as tightening requirements for these operators and strengthening responsibility for violations in the field of technical inspection by making relevant changes to the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses (COAP RK), "said Prime Minister Askar Mamin, responding to the request of the group of deputies of the Mazhilis.

In addition, the Law on Technical Regulation adopted on December 30, 2020, according to him, it is envisaged to empower the authority with the functions of quality control of realizable fuel at gas stations for compliance with environmental standards.

"Also, the Akimat of the city of Almaty began work on the introduction of temporary restriction on the movement of freight transport in the historical center and the limits of the small transport ring of the city of Almaty. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within the framework of the implementation of the program "Taza Ahua Daua" at the entrance to the city of Almaty, there are 10 environmental posts that monitor vehicles with exhausts exceeding maximum permissible norms, "the prime minister added.

He clarified that as a result of the work of posts in 2020, more than 23 thousand car owners were brought to administrative responsibility for offenses related to environmental requirements, for the lack of technical inspection, as well as the inconsistency of vehicles by technical regulations.

"To date, the Akimat of the city of Almaty is working on the device for another 19 eoposts around the perimeter of the city for vehicles entering the city. Information on motor vehicles not relevant to the environmental requirements will be transmitted according to the Surgek system in the Almaty City Police Department for operational tracking and restrictions on their movement in the city. The above activities are aimed at improving the ecological state of the city and an increase in the throughput of the road network, "said Mother.

Recall, on January 6, Ecologist Pavel Alexandrov in an interview with KazTAG agency reported that the level of air pollution in the cities of Kazakhstan exceeds the permissible norms of 8-10 times, which represents real danger to the life and health of people. On January 9, KazTAG reported that Kazakhstan ranked second in the world ranking of countries with the worst air quality, and on January 19, the Agency informed that the concentration of pollution in the air of Almaty significantly exceeded a dangerous level.

On January 20, the situation was noted in Mazhilis. Among other things, the deputies encouraged to strengthen control over the technical condition of vehicles in terms of fuel systems.

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