10 ways to unusually submit simple dishes to the New Year table 2021


New Year's feast - time to try new treats and show fantasy. But the menu can not do without tested by the time of your favorite dishes. To bring a novelty and surprise to the celebration, you can take care of the original feeding of snacks and desserts. A little fantasy, and guests will surely be delighted.

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Puff snacks, such as "Herring under a fur coat", as well as desserts with dividing layers better presented in glass glasses. It looks so effectively every layer, the dish looks elegant and restaurant expensive. It is important to carefully clean the free edge of the glasses so that the dish does not work out.

For aesthetics, glasses should be completely transparent without a pattern or pattern. You can tie a rain or a golden ribbon on a high leg. The upper edge of the glass to suck into citric acid, then in sugar. This reception will give the appetizing snow edge on the dishes.

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Even the easiest and recognizable Salad "Olivier" can be masked on the table under the original treat. For this, a spoon or with a shape for cupcakes to form a salad on a plate in the shape of a Christmas wreath. The surface of the dish is decorated with chips of dill, laying out them in one direction, imitating firing chew. The plate must be wiped out so that the mayonnaise is left left. Top posting grenade grains cut from sprocket vegetables and other decor elements.

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In profitholi

Neat hollows inside the workpiece are ideal for laying out all sorts of unslapter feeds. The custard dough remains for a long time, does not destroy and keeps the form well. For the presentation, you need to make an incision parallel to the base, start profithol snack so that it looks out out. Top putting a hat or leave a snack open. Surface as desired to sprinkle with red caviar or naked greens.

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You can imitate christmas balls with any lettuce or legendary cold. For registration of snacks, it is necessary for clean hands in gloves to form balls from the moss. Each ball is sprinkled with a suitable "fur coat":

  • grated nut;
  • crab chopsticks;
  • chopped greens;
  • fish caviar;
  • chips of cheese;
  • Called carrot.

From above to each ball to insert a half of the maslin, in a middle put a fold-cooled onion penette.

To decorate the chill, it will be necessary for the shell from eggs or molds of the hemisphere. From the bottom to make a hole of 2 cm, thoroughly wash the shell inside and outside. Fill the molds welded fuse. For brightness, use in cooking pieces of pepper, tomatoes and cucumber. Leave dish to frozen all night. Before serving, clean the colder from the shell. The keepets turns out beautiful and spectacular, since inside in a transparent jelly, a beautiful bed of vegetables and meat, greenery sprigs.

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To the dish struck the whole family and guests, it is better to make it 2-tier. To do this, you need to make the first tier of salad. Next, you need to insert a plastic stick to the center a little less height than the first tier. On the sides put 4 more sticks. Top to put the second cake tier, slightly immersing chopsticks into it. This technique will allow the second tier of the snack cake not to move.

The junctions between the tiers are smeared with mayonnaise sauce, sprinkle with a dish with chopped greens, grated pepper. Share rosets from beets, cucumber or red fish depending on the type of salad.

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Envelopes from Lavash

To make a snack more comfortable and aesthetically attractive, you can use for filling crispy envelopes from the pita. Need:

  1. Cut from the Armenian Leaf Boil Billet Round Shape.
  2. Collapse each such so that it resembles the shape of the seeds.
  3. To make an envelope at the location of the seams with a toothpick, pre-pulled in water.
  4. Bake the converter in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. In the resulting crispy pockets, you can upload any snacks and is beautifully served to the table.
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For the buffet table, the most suitable for the supply of Christmas dishes in small neat portions in crispy waffles or sandy baskets. The basis for salads can be bought in the store or cook with your own hands using molds. Salad is better to impose in baskets immediately before serving so that the base remains crisp and the lettuce was not soaked longer.

Baskets are interesting to do multicolored. For this, the dough must be divided into parts and paint the food dye or vegetable juices. It is worth noting that the juices give less saturated shade. Replace tartlets can be replaced by a round curtrum or sweet pepper pod.

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You can make roll from any simple dish. For idea, only edible base and a little fantasy will be required. As the foundations fit:

  • Sheets of thin pitaway;
  • zucchini slots;
  • Thin cucumber strips;
  • Nori;
  • pancakes;
  • Slots from beet.

The feed principle is that the foundation needs to be decomposed on the film, the components of the salad carry to the edge of the base, carefully wrap the roll so that it turns out to be dense and neat. To withstand the dish of an hour in the refrigerator and cut into portions with a sharp knife. If the roll is made from "Herring under a fur coat", lay out on top of a piece of fish. Also, the surface can be sprinkled with fried sesame, black pepper, fish caviar.

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Christmas tree

In order for the salad to become a Christmas tree, you must post it on the dish by a flood, smoothing the spoon. To lay out dill twigs or parsley from above, moving from top to bottom so that the decor turned out to be more natural. From above you need to insert a star carved from red pepper. The surface of the festive salad decorate the grenade grains, serpentine from the "pigtail" cheese, masks, pieces of tomato and carrot toys.

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Symbol of the year

New Year's Eve must necessarily drop the symbol of the year. To do this, it is necessary to make a snack form of a bull, covered with grated egg and black olives so that a specific color turned out. Make horns, ears, tail and bell. It is important to mix the salad before use so that the bull is not offended in 2021 for disrespect.

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An unusual feeding of simple dishes allows guests to surprise with its creativity, to reveal and emphasize new tastes, make the table in elegant and bright. It is best to present salads in the form of a Christmas wreath, a Christmas tree, a symbol of the year. Puff snacks better offer guests in transparent glasses, as a roll, roll or cake.

Article 10 of the ways to unusually submit simple dishes to the New Year table 2021 was published on the website itsfood.ru.

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