US authorities prescribed a mask to remove tweets with criticism of trade unions


US authorities prescribed a mask to remove tweets with criticism of trade unions 8193_1
Ilon Mask.

The National Council for US Labor Relations (NLRB) accused TESLA in a repeated violation of the US labor legislation. The Council's decision states that the company must restore the dismissed trade union activist. NLRB also stated that Tesla violated the law, not allowing employees to talk with journalists, reports Bloomberg.

The resolution speaks of the Tesla employee Richard Ortis, who participated in the trade union "Fair Future in Tesla", writes The New York Times. Ortis was fired in October 2017 and stated that he allegedly published on Facebook screenshots of staff profiles on the Internal Tesla platform.

In addition, Ilona Mask was prescribed to remove tweet 2018, in which he criticizes trade unions. Tetven said: "Nothing prevents the Tesla team on our automobile plant to join trade unions. They could do it and tomorrow if they wanted. But why pay trade union contributions and for nothing to give up option options? We have two times higher safety than when the company consisted in a trade union, and everything is already getting medical insurance. " The members of NLRB indicated that the message "illegally threatened" to TESLA employees, stating that they would "lose their shares, if they choose the Union," which will represent them.

Initially, the regulator ordered the TESLA guide to hold a meeting at the main factory in Fremont to inform the workers about the protection of their rights. At the same time, the changes in the protection of rights should be announced either Mask himself, or a representative of the Board of Directors in its presence.

NLRB does not have the authority to impose penalties or attract the management of the company to personal responsibility for violating the law. The company can appeal against the decisions of the regulator in the Federal Court.

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