Tricks of growing sheet dill without umbrellas


    Good afternoon, my reader. Dill is one of the most beloved spicy crops, its greens are sprinkled with finished dishes, add to salad and dried for the winter. The appearance of umbrellas grieves summer residents, because from now on the leaves are minced, yellowing, their juiciness disappears. Such plants from this moment are only suitable for canning. The breeders tried to solve the problem of rapid loss of the sheet mass of the dill and created a variety from which for a long time can be cut off with greens beams.

    Tricks of growing sheet dill without umbrellas 8190_1
    Tricks of growing leaf dope without umbrellas Maria Verbilkova

    There is no dope without umbrellas. The seeds ripen on these inflorescences, and for culture it is the only way of reproduction.

    Bushes are abundanceful, differ in a spreading form, grow small and medium height, are characterized by a strong aroma. The yield of spices is collecting almost all summer, and only in late August or later, small umbrellas begin to break through.

    In terms of maturation of the variety are divided into 3 types.

    Earls. The first greens begin to remove a month after germination, because dill sowed under winter or early spring. Their disadvantage is that the inflorescences will also appear early. Examples:

    • Gourmet;
    • Grenadier;
    • Mribovsky;
    • Redoubt;
    • Umbrella.


    • Amazon;
    • Gun;
    • Kibray;
    • Richelieu;
    • Patterns;
    • Lesnogorodsky.
    Tricks of growing sheet dill without umbrellas 8190_2
    Tricks of growing leaf dope without umbrellas Maria Verbilkova

    Late flight. Such varieties later release the arrow, and the period of cutting of greenery they have the longest. The first leaves are ready for cleaning for 55-60 days, and in the cold regions late dill does not have time to form umbrellas.

    Top varieties:

    • Ducat;
    • Mischievous;
    • Alligator;
    • Bush;
    • Firework.

    Recommendations for the choice of bush dill:

    1. First of all, pay attention to the description of the culture by the manufacturer. The instructions emphasize the purpose of the plant for extended greene collection or the type of standard with active flowering.
    2. Experienced gardeners are recommended to give preference to medium-and late varieties, which bloom is delayed closer to autumn.
    3. Vegetative period is important. What it lasts longer, the greater the volume of greenery will give one bush of dill for the whole season.
    4. If the manufacturer promises the complete absence of umbrellas, then this is just a marketing trick. Dill breeds self-sowed, and without flowering this function is impossible.

    The main stages of the cultivation of sheet dill:

    1. The seeds wrap in a piece of gauze, placed in the water with a temperature of +50 ° C for 3 days. Every day, 2-3 times the liquid is changed to fresh.
    2. Germination. Seeds are covered with a napkin, moisturized and leave in a warm place (+22 ° C). Watching the drying of the fabric, it is periodically wetted. After 5-6 days, the seeds will turn off.
    3. Sow dill is not in the groove, but with bunch-bugs. This reception prevents plant pulling and suppresses the early growth of umbrellas. Make the wells with a depth of 2 cm and a diameter of 10-12 cm, shed, lay the seeds and sprinkle with light soil.
    4. When the bushes fit slightly, they are slightly plunged to stimulate the roots.
    5. Organic fertilizers contribute to rapid buildup of foliage.

    The described method is good because it guarantees the multiple receipt of thick greens from almost any varieties and hybrids of dill.

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