The leader of the Alliance of Doctors Anastasia Vasilyev was detained by 48 hours


The leader of the Alliance of Doctors Anastasia Vasilyev was detained by 48 hours 8153_1

The leader of the trade union "Alliance Doctors" Anastasia Vasilyev was detained for two days. She reported this in his account on Twitter.

"I was detained, almost hacked the door and made a new search and the drive would go through the force now, it is likely that it is likely to look for another 48 hours something important on Petrovka. I'm not afraid of anything, for the truth and the future of our children is not a pity anything :) And you do not be afraid! " - wrote Vasilyeva.

Earlier, the spokesman for the Alliance of Doctors Alliance Alexander Zakharov published a video search in the apartment at Vasilyeva.

Searches were held on the basis of a court order to 236 tbsp. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules" explained Zakharov. According to her, probably, like other detainees of oppositionists, we are talking about January 23: allegedly, people can be infected with coronavirus because of the rally. Separated all the technique, including children phones.

Vasilyeva first took place as a witness, after her refusal to drive with investigators the status was changed to the suspect and detained for 48 hours. Now she is in the Ministry of Internal Affairs at Novoslobodskaya, later, according to her press secretary, Vasilyeva will be brought to the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the temporary detention facility.

"They took her at night, and children left some at home, including up to 14 years. Of course, we cannot agree. "

January 27, the Ministry of Internal Affairs held a series of searches. The police came at the place of residence of Alexey Navalny, in the removable apartment of his wife Julia, home to supporters of the oppositionist, as well as in the studio "FBK Live" and the FBK office. All searches were conducted under Article 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition to Anastasia Vasilyeva were also detained for 48 hours Oleg Navalny and lawyer FBK Love Sobol. Under arrest there are a spokesman for FBK Kira Vesnami and an employee of FBK Georgy Alburov.

Alexey Navalny himself, from January 18, is under arrest in the SIZO Matrosskaya Silence in connection with the charges of FSIN: they argue that politician has violated the conditions for the test period in the case of Yves Rocher.

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