13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant


Did you know that the batteries are easily cleaned with cutlery, and for a pleasant smell, only sunflower oil is needed in the kitchen? Or what can nail polish be the best friend of your toilet? Believe me, it seems madness only at first glance.

We are in adme.ru studied articles of experts on clearance and the history of ordinary people who shared strange, but working life for cleaning. And in the bonus you will even learn how to teach the order of children who have long cledated the bog of the Internet.

1. Clean the drain, without picking my hands

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_1

In the siphon under the washbasin, there are almost always particles of food and water. But when we have no house for a long time and no one uses the sink, the water in the siphon evaporates, the remains of food begin to decompose, and the characteristic smell appears in the kitchen. We found a steep lifehak from the plumbing, which will help you avoid.

  • Before leaving, pour a glass of sunflower oil into the drain. It is necessary in order for moisture in the siphon. Butter and itself will not dry, and will not evaporate water, so everything will be in the pipe under the sink as usual. After returning home, you will only have to pour a couple of liters of hot water into the drain.

2. Clean the batteries from dust and garbage

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_2

People clean their clutches with a toothbrushes, try to cover inside a vacuum cleaner nozzle or your own hand with a rag. But why complicate everything?

  • Wrap the knife for oil with a rag and go through them between the battery ribs. The same tool can quickly clean the ventilation and blind lattices. Just do not take a sharp knife so as not to scratch the surface.

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_3

And if you wrap the knife with a wet napkin, then the assembled garbage will not fly into all directions.

3. To wash the frying pan and pans from Nagara

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_4

Household chemicals do not always cope with Nagar. In addition, it is literally dying away from the surfaces - and often together with a non-stick coating. Fortunately, there is a way from the category "Strange, but it works."

  • Pour a glass of hot water in the dishes, add a few dishwashing tools and put a napkin air conditioner for a drying machine. An hour to slip. The skillet will be clean, and you do not have to torment the hands with a metal sponge. Food remnants can be removed by the same napkin: it does not hurt a non-stick coating.

4. Remove furniture stickers

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_5

Stripping stickers with cloths with cloths and machine is more difficult to tear off the cabinet, than to collect this chicketer. But everything is fixable.

  • If you have already tried to remove the sticker and from it on the furniture there were white sticky traces, wipe their vinegar. It dissolves the remnants of glue.
  • If a picture is still a whole, stir up on top of it. Press and with the power of the adhesive tape with the power so that the surfaces glued well. Then with one sharp movement take off the tape with the sticker. Fragments of old stickers scotch will also remove.

5. Cut in order to the bathroom

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In the struggle for pure plumbing, goods for children are becoming unexpected allies.

  • So that soaps do not stick to the soap, it needs to be lubricated with baby oil. This means you can quickly press the cranes and other metal surfaces.
  • Wet baby napkins MiG will be returned to the brilliance of chromed subjects. If the guests are about to go home, this lifehak will very much. By the way, ordinary napkins are worse polished metal and leave the pile - verified by the author of the article.
  • Wipe the mixers of wax paper to prevent the appearance of divorces. © Suzqp / Reddit

6. Solve problems with the toilet

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Not always advertised means help to achieve perfect cleanliness. But folk methods work with a bang.

  • So that condensate is not going on the drain tank, you need to put an air-bubble film inside. It will create additional insulation and prevents surface fogging. Just do not forget to overlap the water supply before it and pull the entire liquid from the tank.
  • To protect the seating bolts from rust, cover them with a transparent nail polish. If you are tired of constantly correcting the gathered seat, this lifehak will also help.
  • If none of the remedy removes the contaminated or blade, try to carefully consider them with pembias. The main thing is that the stone and the processed surface were wet. Otherwise, scratches may appear on the white "throne".

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_8
© Chubaca73 / Pikabu

  • After a couple of weeks of harvesting and subsequent attempts to rain the toilet, my opinion accidentally fell on the WD-40 bank, standing in the corridor. I will say this: let all "domases", "pematuks" and "duck" go forest! Yes, for some time my toilet groin as a garage, but it only once again reminded me of my genius. © Chubaca73 / Pikabu

7. Wash inside the capacitance of a complex form

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_9

The hand in them does not climb, and the brush will not clean all the dirt. If you have rice at home, the problem is solved. Push in the container a handful of cereals and pour warm water from 1 tsp. Tools for washing dishes. Close the lid and shake vigorously. Throw rice - voila, everything is clean.

  • To pretty wash the vase or dishes of a funeral shape, type water into it and throw any hip tablet that is found in the first-aid kit. Then pour the water in which the dirt was already dissolved. Brilliant!

8. Remove the Nagar from the Iron

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_10

This strange lifehak for cleaning the iron blew up the Internet. Pretty warming up iron and go through all pollution of paracetamol tablet. In order not to burn, keep it with tweezers or pliers. Due to the high temperature, the medicine will begin to melt and "pull out" the entire nagar. Twitter users confirm.

  • If you are not ready for such experiments, put a little salt and "enjoin" it with an iron on average temperature mode. Nagar himself falls off.

9. Dial water in a bucket

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_11

If the bucket does not fit into the washbasin, take the plastic bottle, make a hole in the side part and direct the crane into it. Do not be a bottle if its neck is below the washbasin level. It is such a modification that you see in the photo above. But there is another option.

  • This lifhack is somewhat incomplete: there is an excess detail in the form of a stand under a bottle in the sink. We have done like this. © Grandpa24 / Pikabu

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_12
© Grandpa24 / Pikabu

10. Remove the stain from clothes

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© Depositphotos.

Powders do not always cope with stains. But the Internet users know exactly what to do.

  • Sattail the fat stain with chalk and leave for 5-10 minutes, and then post. Chalk will absorb fat. © Adriana Smith / Quora
  • Apply a little means for washing dishes on a stain and then post. © leatherwolf89 / Reddit
  • Murzko sounds, but your saliva will help wash blood from clothes. True, only if it is your blood. © TheArchitectPrincess / Reddit

11. Remove the residues of tea and coffee with a pitch

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Miary is manually washed away for a long time and mutually, and it is not always possible to clean all the cubs and remnants of the coffee grounds. Some brilliant person finally found a solution.

  • Put the cortex over the enabled burner, and the whole garbage will simply burn. Just keep in mind that it is impossible to clean the products from plastic. And if the siter is very dirty, be sure to open the window: the smell will not be pleasant.

12. Refresh clothes in the closet

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_15

One woman invented an unexpected way to use daily gaskets. It makes a couple of droplets of essential oil and leaves gaskets at invisible places throughout the house. It sounds wild, but judge by yourself: such "flavors" are easily glued and are easily removed from the surfaces. They are much safer than aromalamps, and cheaper than aromadiffusers.

Bonus: how to motivate children to clean up

13+ Lyfhakov for cleaning, which will first seem to you insane, and then in brilliant 8144_16
© Pascal / Wikimedia Commons

  • Modern children are not easy to get clinging into the room. They watch the videos on Youtube all day. My buddy came up with the following: He shoots a room on the video with comments that this, they say, my children, Masha and Tanya, they do not want to make order in their room - see what a mess. Then he downloads the video on Youtube, but opens access only for himself. Shows the children that they are already on the Internet, and says that now the link is the link to their classmates. The whole school will know about them, there will be a lot of dislikes and all that. Children immediately jump up and begin to get out, begging to anyone not to send a link to the video. © Burmur / Pikabu

We have already taken to yourself in a piggy bank focus with iron, frying pan and soap. Do you know any other secrets that simplify life?

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