In the US, the worst fighters of all time


According to the author of the publication, only those cars in which the disadvantages exceeded all possible benefits came to this list.

American journalists compiled a list of worst fighters of all time. An overview of this article of the Western press represents the publication "Military case".

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According to the author of the material of David Exca, only those cars that have disferences exceeded all possible benefits in this list. In her conclusions, Execons referred to the research work of the American expert Robert Farley. The first to the list of the most unsuccessful fighters in the history of Farley put the British aircraft of the time of the First World War ROYAL BE2.

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This car rose into the air in 1912 and became one of the first combat aircraft launched into serious industrial production. In a sense, BE2 inspired the first generation of fighters, demonstrating all the qualities that fighters were generally not needed. From his workplace, the pilot BE2 had the worst review and could not respond in time to the air combat situation. The aircraft itself was extremely unreliable, folded in piloting, had an insufficient for the fighter of that time speed and very weak weapons. However, as Farley writes, the appearance of Fokker Eindecker made an even worst car from Royal BE2. Trying to keep up with a competitor, the British aircraft began to highly upgrade and bring. As a result, the car has become clearly overweight, finally lost speed and maneuverability.

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The author of the study noted that it would incorrect to put a bad assessment of one of the first fighters in history. However, according to Farley, all the disadvantages of BE2 in combination with the decision of the UK left the aircraft in service until 1919 allowed him to put it on the first line of the anti-rating.

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Soviet MiG-23 came to the second place, which carried out the first flight of 1967.

"MiG-23 should have become a Soviet response to American F-4 and F-111 fighters",

It was a powerful fighter with a variable shower shock, however, according to the American researcher, the plane was too unreliable and expensive. Farley writes that initially MiG-23 was intended to replenish the air force of the Warsaw Pact countries. The USSR Air Force preferred to use older and proven MiG-21.

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The aircraft became the leader in losses for the Soviet industry. Support MiG-23 park in flight condition turned out to be extremely difficult. The engines of the aircraft, which possessed an extremely low operational resource were particularly marked. Power plants were quickly burned and forced to put airplanes "on jokes". Also, the American expert noted that the countries that have lost their victims of the USSR almost immediately lost their MiG-23 park. The burnt engines were simply nothing to change. The combat track record of the Soviet fighter on the Syrian, Iraqi and Libyan service was not also positive. The plane almost certainly faced much earlier than his predecessor MiG-21.

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Farley also recalled that American pilots, which for research purposes made flights on this Soviet plane, were very afraid to sit in his cabin. In 1984, the flight of Americans on the MiG-23 ended the tragedy in which Lieutenant-General Robert Bond was killed. Details of why a high-ranking officer of the US Air Force crashed, Farley did not lead.

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Next, in the list of anti-rating of the worst fighters, German aircraft of the Second World War are coming. Messerschmitt ME 163 KOMET - This machine with a liquid rocket engine was developed as a high-speed interceptor bomber who raised towers to the territory of Germany. The plane could fly at very high for that time speeds, but the fuel was barely enough for one right goal. In the fuel and consisted of the main problem of the interceptor fighter. A particularly fire-hazard component was the T-STOFF oxidizer. The substance was extremely volatile and flammified at the first opportunity. Particularly dangerous was the process of refueling the aircraft.

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However, to take part in the war with these aircraft almost failed. According to some reports, Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet made only a few combat departures, and 11 cars were lost, and only 9 allied aircraft were destroyed.

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At the next stage of the list, American experts put the German heinkel HE-162 jet fighter. He was called the last attempt by the Nazis to return the lost superiority in the air and stop the raids of the Union Aviation to German cities. The deadline for creating an airplane from the drawings before the construction was only 90 days. Nazis planned that in the month the industry will be able to produce up to three thousand such cars. The fighter was intended for exploitation of low-incredible teenagers from Hitlergenda. The aircraft had a wooden design and a jet engine, which was installed right behind the cab on the fuselage. When you catapulting the pilot, the pilot risked to get into the air intake of the power plant, and the glue that was used when assembling the machine, squeezed the aircraft case.

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The car possessed unsatisfactory aerobatic qualities, was unstable in the way, had a small supply of longitudinal stability and transverse stability close to neutral. From an aerodynamic point of view, the aircraft also turned out to be not at the height. In addition, Heinkel HE-162 had a high speed of separation, a high distance of running and insufficient raisingness.

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In the fifth place of the rating of worst fighters of all time, the American plane Christmas Bullet settled. The aircraft was designed in 1919 by Dr. William Whitney Christmas. It was believed that Christmas Bullet was able to only dial the height, which is sufficient to ensure the death of the pilot. The most developer of the fighter was called "psychopath".

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Journalists remember that the inventor William Christmas was a doctor who had unconventional views on the development of aircraft. He combined these ideas with a lot of lies. For example, the doctor argued that the aileron invented, as well as what was littered with foreign orders for their designs. Fortunately for everyone, only one of Christmas projects was built. The US military even lent the fighter designer prototype its new Liberty L-6 engine. It was with this power installation that the car was supposed to go to his first flight.

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With the first inspection, Bullet seemed quite ordinary, until the thin wing was noticed, which was not connected with struts or braces. The wing of Bullet could swear freely and, as it turned out later, the inventor considered such a design "its achievement". Despite the obvious miscalculations, Christmas managed to convince the unemployed pilot Cuthbert Mills raise the aircraft into the air. The plane took off, the wings twisted, and the fighter was safely killed his pilot. Almost immediately the second aircraft was built, which in the first flight was graduated from the fate of the predecessor.

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William Christmas did not show any sympathy for deaths of two pilots, and also not expressed regret because of the destruction of the newest engine L-6. On the contrary, possessing the gift of conviction, he put up a military account of 100 thousand dollars for the "revolutionary" wing design. The most amazing thing is that this account was paid.

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