Teenage gods in Kazakhstan almost six times more than in OECD countries - Senate


Teenage gods in Kazakhstan almost six times more than in OECD countries - Senate

Teenage gods in Kazakhstan almost six times more than in OECD countries - Senate

Astana. March 4. KazTag - Valentina Vladimirskaya. In Kazakhstan, the teenage fertility is 23 cases of childbirth, against four in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the cases of HIV infection have increased by 43% over the past three years, the deputy of the Senate Akmaral Alnazarov said.

"Kazakhstan is significantly higher than in OECD countries, teenage fertility: for 1 thousand girls aged 15 to 19 years old, there are 23 cases of childbirth against four in OECD countries. Over the past three years, the growth of HIV infection in this age group was 43%, "said Alnazarov in the deputy request at the Plenary session of the Senate on Thursday

According to her, in Kazakhstan, the share of adolescents and young people from 15 to 24 years is at least 20% of the population. According to demographic forecasts, in 2025, growth is expected in this age group by another 25%.

Sociological surveys show that only 9% of respondents have knowledge in the field of teenage fertility and sexual infections - did not know about the methods of prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. 63% of the fallen young people were engaged in self-medication.

The most common consequences of such behaviorality, the deputy was noted.

The ratio of the number of divorces to the number of marriages today in Kazakhstan is 40%. The reason for the separation of married couples in 20% of cases is infertility.

According to the statistics of suicide, Kazakhstan is invariably included in the top 15 countries, the senator emphasized.

128 Youth Health Centers existing in Kazakhstan are structural divisions of the district polyclinic, which holds back their development. Existing mechanisms and financing volumes do not stimulate the polyclinic to work with the reproductive and psychological problems of young people. Annual coverage of youth service with polyclinics aged 15 to 19 years old does not exceed 14%. Since the beginning of this year, three youth health centers are closed, another one on the verge of closing.

Also, the questions of anonymous diagnosis and treatment are unavailable for youth, Alnazarova added.

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