Restrictive measures will strengthen from March 24 in Aktobe region


Restrictive measures will strengthen from March 24 in Aktobe region

Restrictive measures will strengthen from March 24 in Aktobe region

Aktobe. March 22. KazTAG - restrictive measures will strengthen from March 24 in the Aktobe region, the agency correspondent reports.

"To prohibit: 1) holding conferences, exhibitions, forums, spectacular, as well as family, solemn, festive corporate events, memorable and other events with massacre of people, including at home; 2) holding a comment; 3) activities of entertainment institutions (karaoke, billiards, computer clubs, night and game clubs, bowling centers, hookahs (including with catering facilities), children's playgrounds and attractions, indoors, trampolines and other), bookmakers Office and lotter clubs, including the lottery draw; 4) the activities of children's pre-school institutions, with the exception of duty groups; 5) the work of the dining room in the education organizations of the initial, medium and basic middle level, medium and higher educational institutions; 6) the activities of banquet halls; 7) Sun activity on Sunday Days, "says in the ruling of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Aktobe region on Monday.

He also decided to provide permission from the following objects in compliance with the enhanced sanitary and disinfection and mask modes, as well as the social distance:

1) Children's Cabinets Correction, Children's and Adult Educational Centers when the Group's fill in a group is not more than 15 people, by applying in compliance with the requirements of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

2) medical centers, cabinets, pre-recording dentistry;

3) public transport in the cities on weekdays and weekends - in normal mode (with the maximum public transport output on the line in the peak hours, public transportation hours on the number of seats, the opening of all doors, installation in the fields available for passengers of sanitizers with skin antiseptic, Mandatory wearing masks with passengers, drivers and conductors) subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

4) banks, Tson, branch of Kazpost JSC with a limit on time from 9.00 to 18.00, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

5) duty groups of preschool institutions, subject to configuration of groups of not more than 20 people, complying with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

6) state bodies (organizations, enterprises, offices), organs of the quasi-state sector, national campaigns, other organizations, as well as entities of entrepreneurship, with compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan (with 50% of employees remain at remote mode, 50% full-time) ;

7) religious facilities without collective measures, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

8) Catering facilities (indoors) with permission to work from 7.00 to 24.00 when filled up to 50%, but not more than 50 places, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan. At the same time, collective, solemn, family, memorable (banquets, weddings, anniversaries) and other mass events are strictly prohibited. Services for the delivery of food, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

9) Saunas on weekdays except Sunday, according to an internal regulation, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

10) movements of suburban passenger trains / trains (without shared cars), movements of passenger trains (without common cars), subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

11) theaters, cinemas, concert halls, while compliance with no more than 20% and the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

12) industrial and manufacturing enterprises of all types of activities, including those operating a watched method, construction work in the open air, rural and fisheries, animal husbandry according to the internal regulation, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan.

Head of enterprises operating a shift method, to ensure control over the laboratory survey of workers to identify the COVID-19 method of PCR and allow you to depart / entry with a negative result.

Employees of state bodies and organizations (with the exception of emergency workers involved in emergency situations of natural and man-made) carry out entry into the watches in the presence of a negative result of a laboratory survey on the identification of COVID-19 by the PCR method;

13) objects for the provision of contactless services to the population (stations of maintenance, car wash, tire, vulcanization and other) according to the inner regulation, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

14) facilities for providing services to the population (typographical services, sewing studios, shoe workshops, shoe repair service, clothing and others) according to the internal regulation, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

15) business centers (insurance companies, lawyer services, notary, accountant and consulting, real estate agencies, advertising agencies, bailiffs, etc.), exchange offices, pawnshops according to the internal regulations in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

16) medical organizations, pharmacies with enhanced sanitary and anti-epidemic and sanitary and preventive measures in staff;

17) objects of culture (rehearsal with participation of not more than 30 people), libraries, museums on weekdays and weekends according to the inner regulation, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

18) food stores, minimarkets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, according to internal regulations, complying with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

19) beauty salons, hairdressers, spa centers and objects providing cosmetology services for the preliminary recording, on weekdays and weekends according to the inner regulation, subject to at least 4 sq. M per visitor and the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

20) objects of tourism and organizations in the provision of services for the residence of the population (hotels, hotels, holiday homes, tourist bases and others) in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

21) Food and non-food markets "outdoor" on weekdays and weekends according to the internal regulation, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

22) indoor food and non-food markets on weekdays and weekends according to the internal regulation, while compliance with no less than 4 sq. M per visitor and the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan with the prohibition of children's playgrounds and attractions;

23) Fudcourts only for the removal and delivery of food in compliance with the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

24) stores for the implementation of all types of non-food products on weekdays and weekends according to the internal regulation, in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

25) Baths on weekdays and weekends according to the inner regulation, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

26) pools (at least 5 square meters of water mirrors per visitor, preliminary entry) on weekdays and weekends according to the internal regulation, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

27) Movement of intercity, interregional and international buses / minibuses, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Physician of Kazakhstan;

28) indoor sports facilities (sports complexes, sports schools, sports clubs, training halls), fitness centers and sports centers by appointment, on weekdays and weekends according to the internal regulation, subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

29) Individual and group exercises in the open air (no more than five people in a group, with mandatory observance of at least 2 meters) and sports training for national teams, club teams (no more than 30 people, contactless thermometry, accommodation in sports bases) ;

30) the resumption of training fees for the preparation of regional teams, subject to the reinforced sanitary-disinfection regime with simultaneous accumulation of not more than 30 people;

31) conducting sports events without viewers;

32) TRC, trading houses, trade chains on weekdays and weekends according to the internal regulation, while compliance with no less than 4 square meters per visitor and the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan with the prohibition of children's playgrounds and attractions;

33) Food facilities located in shopping and entertainment centers (in separate rooms), on weekdays and weekends according to the inner regulation of the TRC, during fill in no more than 50 seats, without collective measures in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

34) sanctioned types of street trade (including objects implementing fast food products, donuts, ice cream, removal coffee, vegetable tents and other) in compliance with enhanced sanitary-epidemic and sanitary and preventive measures;

35) Auto-Express (eating for removal) subject to the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

36) Compliance with the algorithm to reduce the risk of dissemination of COVID-19 among the personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee of National Security (including the Border Service of the CNB) and the State Protection Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

37) to ensure compliance with the airport, railway and automotive stations in accordance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan;

38) holding meetings (meetings) in full-time (in the absence of the possibility of holding them in remote format) in compliance with the requirements of the State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan.

"Mandatory wearing medical or tissue masks to all persons while in public places, premises intended for visiting, servicing and recreation of the population, in public transport (including taxis), public places outdoors, except: children under five years; In cases of food intake in public catering, when complying with the social distance, "said in the document.

At the same time, it is entrusted to ensure, subject to sanitary rules:

1) training in traditional format in urban and rural schools with a contingent up to 300 students, with the number of children in classes up to 15 people;

2) Combined training in secondary schools from 1 to 5 grades inclusive no more than 25 students, in international schools - from 1 to 7 grades inclusive no more than 25 students;

3) special, specialized organizations, special boarding schools for children with special educational needs (including for orphans remaining without parental care), public-type boarding schools, boarding schools for gifted children);

4) combined learning within 6 days of the week for grades (9, 11 (12) classes): 70% of items in normal mode, 30% - in remote (no more than 15 people in class, compliance with social distance, training on principle 1 class - 1 office, simultaneous stay in school no more than 30% of the design capacity, enhancing the sanitary-disinfection mode, mask mode);

5) individual student learning in non-current time in groups of no more than 15 people by decision of the administration of the educational institution;

6) training for college and university courses.

"This decree comes into force from 00.00 March 24, 2021," is indicated in the ruling.

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