The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer-grocery


    Good afternoon, my reader. There are garden vegetables that require complex care - but there are those that grow on the principle "stuck and forgot." Let's see which cultures require the smallest care and are available for an inexperienced gardener.

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    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Vegetables (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    It is extremely unpretentious, it retains the germination for a long time, suitable for how in a mature form (who does not like pea soup, especially with smoked meters?) And in young (green peas right from the bed - favorite delicacy of childhood).

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    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Pea (photo is used according to a standard license ©

    Saw it directly to the ground in May, choosing any free plot. Care does not require generally from the word "at all" - except that during the drought it, together with neighboring defensions it will be necessary to pour. It grows best on the support, but you can leave and just on the garden. After harvesting, the yoke is departed directly at compost.

    Also from the category "planted and forgotten." 1-2 bushes are enough for a whole family. Shed simply: in May, I am supervised for 3-4 hours of seeds, and then close to the ground for 4-5 cm.

    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer-grocery 8099_3
    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Zucchini (Photo used by standard license ©

    As a result, shortcomings will soon appear, then seeds - and in a month and young zucchini. They can be frying, stew - the main thing, not to give out.

    Who does not like to hurt with a juicy narch? And Kohlrabi this nuch is almost half a kilogram.

    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer-grocery 8099_4
    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Kohlrabi (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    In order not to mess around with the seedle, squeeze it into the ground in early June, then hurt and water. On this, everything is not necessary.

    Podkkaya and asparagus beans grows almost without care. Maximum from you will need to stick near the garden near the chopper, for which it will crawl. Culture will decorate the site, and at the same time goes on the table.

    It is necessary to plant when it is definitely not returnable freezers, that is, at the end of May. The seeds are plugged at 3 cm, the disembarkation distance is 30 cm from each other. And if you soak the bellows for a day before planting, then you can observe seedlings in a week, and the flowers are already in a month. Giving a harvest bush will be until the autumn. The main thing is not to let the fruits grow out.

    The onions grow quite difficult - but it can be sowned by the greens anywhere. It is enough to take the Svarka Svarka, and then close in the ground at any free place. As a result, at the end of June - July, Luke on the feather you will have more than you can eat.

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    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Onions (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Robes with experience, growing onions on the seeds on their own, often use discarded, sluggish and too small bulbs just like that - stick them in aisle and on uncomfortable parts of the site with words: "Well, let's see what will come out of you." As a rule, it turns out quite a lot of green onions seedlings, which can be put in a salad, add to green soup or simply salt and eat. The bulbs are usually offended - but on the bulb discarded and not use.

    Radish is seized in April, and in greenhouses - before. Seeds scatter on furrocks or lay out into the wells in 10-15 cm increments.

    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer-grocery 8099_6
    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Radish (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    The crops are covered with agrofluoride, they are poured and drinking wood ash. Do not do anything else.

    Not the most popular vegetable is now, but it is unpretentious. They sow it in May, covering the first 3-5 days by agrofluorine, then regularly water (once a week), sprinkle ashes (every two weeks). When the vegetable is growing, it will be necessary to proper (1 root on the plot of a 20 cm plot 20) - and nothing more to do with it.

    It is good because it can coherent with anything, so it is sowing it in May after the main landings ended - on any free plot.

    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer-grocery 8099_7
    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Beet (photo used by standard license ©

    Beets are multiple, so you have to cut forward - but it is not necessary to feed. Moreover: organic fertilizers are contraindicated to it - so that the table beet is to plant on non-confused and uncomfortable areas.

    We apologize for the pun, but this is a vegetable that put - and then the fuck will bring. It is multiplied by the seeds and parts of the root, and it is capable of making shoots not immediately, but after a year or another. Just cover a piece of rhizomes, plenty of sprinkle - and forget about hell, he will come out, give leaves and grow root. Some gardeners described how simply thrown over the fence a piece of discarded rhizoma germinated - and for the next year, horn was found in Byriana.

    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer-grocery 8099_8
    The most simple vegetables: what to grow newcomer Nella

    Stren (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    If you do not want to pick up the shrouders of the horse in the whole garden - put it in the burnt in the bottom of the bucket without the bottom, surround the Delianka with slate or border ribbons. The more fertilizers will be made, the more abundant the hell will give a crop and grow.

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