Citrix will pay 2.3 million dollars to their employees affected by data leakage

Citrix will pay 2.3 million dollars to their employees affected by data leakage 8097_1

Citrix employees affected by data leakage will receive compensation with a total amount of $ 2.275 million. The global agreement concluded between the management of the company and the staff of the company found approval in judicial instances.

Participants in the group claim against Citrix are more than 24.3 thousand people. It will be resolved in exchange for the provision of a Citrix Foundation in the amount of $ 2,275,000, which can be used for credit monitoring services, recovery after theft of personal data - up to 15 thousand dollars for each applicant as compensation for incurred costs and losses.

Citrix spoke about the data leakage in March 2019 after the FBI warned a guide to the likely implementation of cybercriminals to the corporate network. The hackers were then able to straighten into the internal networks of Citrix and is there for approximately 6 months.

Citrix declares that hackers had "intermittent access" to the corporate network. The company's employees were drawn into a security incident. The Citrix leadership sent to all persons (employees, contractors, interns, candidates for employment, beneficiaries, etc.), probably victims of data leakage, notification that their personal data could be stolen as a result of security incident.

As it was clarified later, the hackers managed to steal a certain number of confidential information of employees. Each stolen entry included the following data: social security numbers, passport details, medical insurance data, driver's license data, bank set information, payment card numbers.

The estimated attack organizer on the internal networks of Citrix is ​​an Iridium cybercrime, which aims to large corporate goals, the organization of the oil and gas sphere. In 2018-2019 Hackers from Iridium actively attacked companies located in the USA, Canada, UAE and European countries.

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