From the decree in entrepreneurs - Yugorcanka opened the educational center

From the decree in entrepreneurs - Yugorcanka opened the educational center 8090_1
From the decree in entrepreneurs - Yugorcanka opened the educational center

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, Arthur Alenenov is studying in the 8B class, on the other days - just at 8. For more than six months, he visits 2 schools at once: in the main one appears less frequently than in private. In this mode, the student decided himself.

Arthur Alenenov, a student of the educational center: "Mom said that there is such a center. I learned more about him on the Internet, she asked her, I liked it. She recorded me here on individual classes, then a person was gained in grade 8 and now I go too. Study began better. " Rain the level of knowledge is one of the tasks of the educational center of Lilija Wailing. For a long time, a large mother was on maternity leave. When the eldest son turned 7 years old, an idea appeared to open his business. Lilia Wailing, Director of the Educational Center: "I was a teacher, a journalist. I realized that education is my direction. I thought for a long time, whether it is worth in independent swimming or to go to the system of education state. I thought, honestly, there was a lot of doubt, fears, but at a certain point I decided that I still want to start. "

There was no experience in creating a business, which would not say about the support of loved ones and a great desire to step into an unknown world of commerce. To get the necessary base, Lily successfully passed the course in the Support Fund of the Ugra. After the most difficult thing began: searching for premises and teachers, development of the concept of the center, work with competitors, a clash with all their fears.

The game cost the candle. For 4 years, a private educational center has been operating in the district capital. And immediately in several directions: tutoring for any object of school program, career guidance and additional classes. Actors, colloquial English, painting and others.

"Our schoolchildren need knowledge of the school program, it is necessary to improve the assessments, but this is just a small part of the iceberg. Small part of the necessary, what they need now. All of them is waiting for the future, an adult life in which these estimates are important, but are not initial, "says Lilia Wailing.

The motto of the team of Lilija Wailing is to help schoolchildren become more successful not only in study, but also in life. Often, schoolchildren with "wounded hearts" come to the educational center, and not from unrequited love, but from conflicts with peers. So the teachers had a new task - to understand and help the child.

Vlad Nikolaev, teacher of the educational center: "We treat children like friends, and always play conscience, that is, we trust them, respectively, they trust us." Olga Strelnikova, Deputy Director of the Educational Center: "We have our own scale of the values ​​of moral and moral. With 1 violations of the child disciplinary, someone does not come on time, someone strives, someone does not fulfill his homework, that is, the process begins to wear a chronic character, we appeal for help to parents. " Lilia does not like to speak about future plans. Everything will show time. One business Woman knows exactly - her temple knowledge is open to all. Even adults can come to classes. After all, it is never too late to learn.

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