Mash: Putin Palace belongs to Arkady Rothenberg


Mash: Putin Palace belongs to Arkady Rothenberg 8075_1
Arkady Rotenberg.

Residence under Gelendzhik, which appears in the investigation of the Foundation for the Fight of Corruption (FBK) as "Dacha Putin," belongs to the billionaire Arkady Rothenberg. This was announced by Rothenberg himself in an interview with the chief editor of the telegram channel Mash Maxim Iquanov.

"Now this is no longer a secret. I am a beneficiary, "said Rotenberg. He called the object "quite complicated" with a large number of lenders. "This is a find," - described the complex and its location billionaire. According to him, an aparthotel will be built on the cape.

"I am this (tourist business. - Vtimes) for several years I have been doing. I have some facilities in the Crimea, there are objects in the Far East, "Rotenberg told. According to him, he acquired a complex a few years ago to equip there.

"I understood that this was a fairly scandalous, heavy building. But, remember my word, it will take place one and a half or two years, I will invite you, and you look at this beauty, "Mash promised to the billionaire. To tell his desire to tell about this. Now, a close friend of Vladimir Putin explained to the "human factor": "Scandal around this, all sorts of insinuations." He argues that there is nothing illegal in construction, and wanted to declare himself by the owner when construction would be completed.

Rothenberg argues that the last time was in the residence this year. He called the state of construction "unsatisfactory" and promised to accelerate the pace of construction.

On the eve of Mash published a video shot in Putin's Palace. "Describe the location is quite simple - this is one solid concrete. In fact, everything is on the zero stage of construction, "says Maxim Iksanov. After the publication of the Roller The Insider issued a material about the connection of Iksanov with the presidential administration. Mash himself appeared in the investigation of the project "Project" about Russian Telegram-channels. There is argued that Mash is associated with Kirill Kovalchuk, the grandfather's grandmother Vladimir Putin Yuri Kovalchuk, the main shareholder and the former chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank "Russia".

The sources of after the publication of the video MASH suggested that Putin's Palace owners can declare themselves close friends of Putin - Gennady Timchenko or the Arkady Brothers and Boris Rotenbergs.

Later on the air of the program "Vesti" TV channel "Russia-1" came out the plot, where the builders of the palace near Gelendzhik called the building "Apart-hotel".

The fight against corruption of Alexei Navalny on January 19 published an investigation in which he claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin owns a palace worth 100 billion rubles. Next to Gelendzhik. In a two-hour film, in particular, the model of the interiors of the palace, created on the basis of the architectural plan, are shown. Video gathered on YouTube more than 100 million views. FBK noted that the palace began to rebuild due to errors in the design, which led to the appearance of mold.

Putin stated that this palace neither to him nor his close relatives belongs and never belonged. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that they own one or several businessmen, but their names refused to call.

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