It is better to live in a trailer than to take a mortgage loan and live in high rise


At first they wanted to call this story - life in the trailer on distant races, then call - a secret suburban life. What is an ordinary trailer? Associations with some kind of construction or watches on the Great North are immediately coming to mind. But to live in it turns out to be a conscious choice of our hero.

Moscow manits many provincials. Attraction is so magnetic that he has no fortune to resist anyone, just where to live? Many choose solid-caliber hostels, where they are building plans with the same conquerors of the capital.

It is visiting and settled in the hostels and it is there who will be launched an instagram tape with their photos. Girls are looking for Muscovites, albeit a little prayer, you can even with Lysina, the main thing that the cherished stamp with the Moscow region is.

In our country do not like the word poor. Usually it means something unsightly and almost not pronounced. Now the worker can be poorly poor, as a proletarian called in ancient. The work of a simple person depreciated that working by an electrician or a cleaner your diet would consist of goods purchased over stocks and cheap clothing. In any case, you will live from salary to salary, often in the credit boala.

From prison and from Sumy do not be pumped in our country. However, our hero did not give up then and wrote a whole book on how to upgrade the trailer to be comfortable for living. The book he called the "cottage mini-suite." However, every situation may be in its then situation. The choice will be small or tortoy, forever hit the hostel, or do something of your own, for example.

You can build your own barn, but here, due to the elementary ignorance, partial destruction can occur. We must do everything by the mind. But you will not depend on the hostel and its tariffs.

It is better to live in a trailer than to take a mortgage loan and live in high rise 8066_1
How can you prick
It is better to live in a trailer than to take a mortgage loan and live in high rise 8066_2
Elementary suburis

The secret of success lies in a replacement work schedule / three. Earth in some stupid SNT can buy thousands for 70. You can go a guard in SNT or in the neighboring. You can put ads and help on household. Options here are a premise set. The main thing is not to start applying to the bottle and believe in the bright future. Moscow does not believe in tears, she believes only.

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