The most popular and unpretentious garden flowers


Good afternoon, my reader. Garden flowers are consistently popular from year to year. Someone gives preference to perennials, someone like luxurious and capricious roses and lilies. But there are unpretentious, but no less attractive plants.

The most popular and unpretentious garden flowers 8057_1
The most popular and unpretentious garden flowers Maria Verbilkova

Bright flowers, which are decorated with flower beds, flower beds, rocaria and mixboraders. They are planted along the gardens tracks, organizing live borders.

There are both perennial and annual varieties. The most popular are considered:

  • Throughly;
  • reprehension;
  • Rejected.

Flowers semi-grade, terry and simple. Inflorescences are large, collected in a basket of yellow, orange colors, two-color.

Plants sit on the beds among vegetable crops. With its aroma, flowers are scared with nematomas and green tool.

Unpretentious, perennial delicate flowers with a thin aroma. There are yellow, blue, purple and two-color. Suitable for growing in single landings. And to create spectacular compositions in flower beds, on the flower beds. They are concisely combined with decorative elements of the entire site. Speechly look in the framework of other plants:

  • Lilynikov;
  • Kupayok;
  • Dolphiniums;
  • peonies;
  • Eastern poppies.

Iris varieties are divided into:

  • High - from 0.5 m;
  • Average - up to 0.5 m;
  • Low - up to 0.4 m.

With tender petals of wavy, corrugated shape and smooth. By density, they are also different. There are both translucent and dense, reminiscent of wax.

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The most popular and unpretentious garden flowers Maria Verbilkova

Irises on a plot with good lighting and fertile soil for a long time and continuously flower. Suitable for growing and on stony soils.

Gentle flowers of cosmey are found in garden flower beds and as decoration of houses in large cities. The plant is unpretentious and pretty. A rich selection of shades - from saturated red, burgundy to gentle pink and white.

Cosmeya is planted at open solar sites. It has high resistance to droughts and low temperatures. Undemanding to the composition of the soil. Growing on a well-fertilized, fertile soil, blooms abundantly and long.

In landscape design, cososemia is used to imitate meadows. Garmoniously fit into the garden in the style of country or rustic.

To create a romantic flowerbed plant in a duet with floccals, velvets, daisies and textiles.

With tall varieties create live corridors along the garden tracks. Little mimic mimic.

Gentle flowers planted in pots and vases are concisely looked at terraces, balconies and verandas.

Decorate the garden with bright yellow flowers, starting with June and before the onset of the first cold. Stems plants branched, juicy, rich green color. There are perennial and annual varieties. The flower will harmoniously fit into the flower garden on any plot.

Nasturtium prefers a place on a bright sun or in a light shadow. The soil is moderately fertile and infrequent watering.

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The most popular and unpretentious garden flowers Maria Verbilkova

White varieties are suitable for growing in curbrad, pots and standing ads.

Large natives decorate areas along the walls, fences and rolling trees.

Curly flowers are used to create vertical landscaping and alive hedges.

The terry spectacular looks in large pots on terraces and verandas. They are complemented by petunias purple or white.

These charming flowers are so diverse that they can even turn into a real fairy tale. There are a large number of varieties that differ in size, form and color.

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The most popular and unpretentious garden flowers Maria Verbilkova

The greatest popularity is:

  • ampel;
  • cascade;
  • White.

The height of the plant reaches from 7 to 10 cm. Ampelny - up to 170 cm. Flowers are achieved in diameter up to 5 cm. Shoots are long, thin.

Petunia is suitable for cultivation on the flowerbed, kashpo and vases. Using different varieties create real masterpieces.

An excellent addition to her will be an openwork silver cyclery, capable of emphasizing the riot of paints and tenderness.

Extrastling with small flowers of Lobelia, create huge, lush balls, dropping out of the cassp.

For stone decoration, flower beds fit a duet from Petunia and the velvetsev. Bright contrast looks effect on the background of a monophonic green hedge.

From the garden colors, with all their unpretentiousness, you can create real landscape design masterpieces. Further combining each other or banging in single landings, they are able to revive any summer cottage.

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