The most significant events of the week, according to "Ivanovo news"

The most significant events of the week, according to
Photo: Autopeanner Ivanovo | DPS traffic accident PDD, typical Ivanovo / VK

Brutal beating of a 3-year-old girl, a flood in the city and year of pandemic

On socially significant events of the outgoing working week - in the traditional final issue of "Ivanovo news."

A loud drama in one of the families of the Ivanovo region occurred under the curtain of the outgoing week. All residents of the region became witnesses of the family conflict. The video hit the network, where a young mother mocks her 3-year-old daughter: calls, including Mat, beats, - in one word, cruelly handles the child. The video woman recorded intentionally, to see his spouse, father of the girl, with whom the cruel mother is now in a quarrel.

The result of all this bad smelling history was the detention of the ladies and the initiation of a criminal case against it. Two her daughters were handed over to raising her father. The situation was taken under control of several departments: the Investigation Committee, the Prosecutor's Office and Children's Ombudsman.

A woman is already on preventive police accounting as a parent who adversely affects his children. That is, such behavior in the practice of the mother is not a one-time event.

Ivanovtsy reacted very emotionally to the video laid out on the network. Someone wants a woman of hard punishment and even reprisals. And someone justifies a woman. After all, in many respects, its behavior is dictated by the attitude of the spouse. In any case, law enforcement officers took up for the lady. They will differ in the situation.

In the Ivanovo region, the year was celebrated from the moment of registration in the region of the first associated patient.

On March 16, 2020, the first patient infected with coronavirus arrived in the Ivanovo region from abroad. After this incident, Coronavirus revealed and at the doctor of the neurosurgical department of the regional clinical hospital. Contrary to acting prohibitions, he went to work at the request of his direct supervisor, and a chain of infection began. But then there was no proceedings.

In total, from the beginning of the pandemic, that is, over the year, 1,001 patients with a confirmed coronavirus infection died with a diagnosis. Officially registered almost 32 thousand cases of cowid infections.

For the year, the volunteers worked 810 thousand shifts in the "Red Zone".

Anomalous flood happened in Ivanovo. Skilled the city center and the heart of the city - Kokui Boulevard.

If they squint, almost every street of the city has become Venice. The city was flooded as it never admired never.

Almost all lattices of stormwater sewage in the regional center are littered with snow, which was swept on the side of the car MUP "SAZH". Solving the problem of sublopulations has not yet been found.

Flooded streets Lenznevskaya, Tashkent, Radishchev and adjacent. These are worth adding all the melange streets, Leningrad, Sarmenta, Machine-Tools, 13th Bereznikovskaya ... This list can be continued infinitely.

The current spring visually showed that there are no roads in the city. There is only their repair, during which the roads themselves mysteriously disappear, turning into pits, giant puddles and impassive dirt.

By the Snow melting season, together with the asphalt "Ivanovo News", make up an "interactive map of the pit and killed roads." Report problem places can be info @ email.

To other news. Ivanovo region covered the wave of fraud. And not only ordinary residents suffer.

Telephone fraudsters deceived the bank in the Ivanovo region for 350 thousand rubles and 1,500 US dollars. A man called the bank and said he was the main office operator. He managed to convince a 24-year-old employee that the bank's translation system had a failure and need to make test financial transfers to check the system. The fraudster called the employee number of cards, and she sent 350,000 rubles there and $ 1,500. After that, the imaginary colleague disappeared.

The wild incident occurred on one of the public transport routes in Ivanovo on March 15. Everything happened in the morning. From the 24th minibus, three men brought the girl. She was unconscious.

First, the guys wanted to put a lady right on the ground. But after the sector of passersby, that you, they say, do, they laid an insensible body on the shop of the stopping pavilion. Then they sat back to the minibus and left.

The girl continued to lie unconscious. No one hurried to call the "ambulance". Only one of the women waiting at the stop stopped and led her to feeling. This incident, we hope, interested the police and the prosecutor's office.

Read about other events of the week on our website.

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