The most beautiful drawing in the world's pencil


Greetings! Dear mothers, today I have to fasten the work of your children a little. The fact is that the topic of this article is the most beautiful drawing in the world's pencil. And I understand that the most beautiful is the drawing of your child or a loved one. But maybe there are generally accepted measure?


Let us first determine what a "pencil drawing" is and what it differs from other pencil creations. In the broad sense of the word drawing - any image on the plane. From rock painting and to sketches of creations da Vinci.

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In order not to call all the pictures in the picture, it is customary to specify that the drawing is drawn in one color and usually one material, but this is not accurate. Material can be chalk, coal, pencil. Or drawing on a tablet or computer. And the colors can be a lot. Vector graphics, if you specify.

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By the way, any vector image will be a pattern. It, as it were, stylized under the children's picture. Although color.

The drawing is opposed to painting. And painting - the essence is just an image of something with the help of paints. While the so-called graphic materials are used for the drawing, that is, chalk, coal and further on the list.

In professional circles, the drawing is divided into:

  1. Sketch, etude, sketch. This is an auxiliary pattern, which should help in the further picturesque painting painting. At the same time, they can have artistic value. The main difference is the speed of execution, as if by one line.
  2. Machine or drawings. Architectural elements and other schemes;
  3. Academic. Made in a certain style of a person professionally drawing in this style.
  4. Training. Also in a certain style, but already drawn by the student.
  5. Creative. If the style is not defined or broken, this is an image - the author's method to join your idea on paper.

These are the case categories.

How to appreciate the beauty

Evaluation of works of art - always too subjective task. What is beautiful to one, it will be terrible to another. How to get out here if it comes to, for example, the drawings contest?

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Do you know what is the difference between an amateur assessment of a professional? The pros will clearly tell you why this work is good or not very. And even the assessments of the professional differ from the style of the rice and the depicted object.

It is unlikely that someone can objectively compare the drawn course and a portrait of a woman. It is still compared how difficult the design of the picture was when it is drawn, how original and to which school it applies. But still beauty - the concept of subjective, and want to eat everyone. And therefore:

The most expensive

Who was able to "stain" paper so to get millions? Unfortunately, the author did not live to the auction. Here is his creation:

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And this sketch of almost the landscape sheet was 48 million dollars in 2009. I wonder how much it will cost today? But so far this is the most expensive drawing in history. Have you recognized the author? Write in the comments, guess or not. And the author is Rafael Santi.

But this is a matter of cost and price. But how is the beauty today? Not cost, but beauty. Let us leave aside art historians who can be bribed or in a bad mood, and turn to the Internet.

ART Prize

Absolutely anyone can lay out its work on the contests of the drawing. The most famous - art prize, which holds several contests in different directions and with different organizers.

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How is the evaluation? There are also experts who will appreciate your drawing for the qualities that can be estimated: observance of style, quality of work, complexity and others. But the main word - viewers.

The competition takes a vote on the Internet for everyone. And only general recognition will allow to obtain a very solid cash prize. So here everything is subjective, but beauty is already evaluated not by one person, but by all the audience.

Competitions incredible quantity. Each school, a home of children's creativity, a museum or gallery at least once a year arranges its contests. And often the winner receives a prize or a monetary award.

After the district, it is not enough to go to the city, then contests around the country, and there are already international. Have you participated in the contests of the drawings? Or prefer to find fans outside contests, just leading your blog? By the way, about bloggers just below.

Best artists pencil

Let's assume that the best (most beautiful) is equal to the most popular. After all, the number of fans can serve as a measure of beauty. Or not?

Then here are some very popular artists with a pencil. Share links to the galleries of those artists who like you, and write why they are.

JD Hillberry.
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Here is a link to the author's main page, look, you will not regret. It seems as if some of his drawings - photos, no?

Brian Duey.
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This artist is more portrait. He is not chasing realism, but wants to find his own style. Link to his site. Share your impressions from the author!

Cesar Del Valle.

Here is his personal blog by the author paints in an unusual style, the main thing is memorable.

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Down with boring realistic portraits, only your unique style, only your fantasy and ideas! Here is a link to the site of the author.

Linda Huber.

Diverse this male team? Link to the author's blog This artist masterfully mastered and loved shades and halftone.

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These five authors, in my opinion, deserve mention in any artistic article. These are bloggers who earn their talent.

Some of them collected the starting capital himself, working from scratch, and someone participated in contests and won money. Competitions allow you to earn prize money, get fans and see your shortcomings. A blog from scratch gives a large detriment for creativity. What is closer to you?

For each of us

I still think that for each parent, the most beautiful drawing is the work of your child. For each sister - the work of brother, and vice versa. Pictures of parents, close friends. All that causes us warm feelings, memories and thoughts about the author.

We can admire the picture of Raphael as you like, but if he does not touch us in the shower, then the sketch will simply remain the exhibit of the museum. Beautiful but a soulless trunk. And this is:

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It will always be more pleasant, warmer and relative than this:

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Well, except for those cases when you have personal significant memories of the classic sketch or the picture shown on it. Maybe sometime the same Rafael painted the dog of the same breed as your children's friend? Or your favorite and respected grandfather adored the Kandinsky and any drawing of this author would be a pleasant memories.

On this finish

Today, probably everything. Tell me in the comments, do you have a favorite drawing of a classic artist? And unprofessional, but a person close to you?

Share with us links to the most beautiful graphic artists and leave your opinion about those creators who sent me or other commentators. But Chur without negativity! And I say goodbye to you, have a nice day.

Your art historian, Alla.

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