How to paint the ceiling without divorces: preparation, choice of material, work


Application of the coloring emulsion on the ceiling overlap is the simplest way to refresh it and re-organize. You can paint the ceiling correctly and without the participation of the painters, and so as not to leave the divorces, use the instructions of the masters.

How to paint the ceiling without divorces: preparation, choice of material, work 8035_1

Preparatory stage

Before painting at home the ceiling, get the paint and check for the tool:

• Firefront or staircase

• primer or other antiseptic

• Brushes and rollers, allowing to apply layers without divorce

• Malyary Scotch

• Spatulas

• Protective clothing and accessories.

Before painting, clean the ceiling from dirt, dust and irregularities, if necessary, cover the pits and cracks. It is possible to do without divorces, correctly picking a roller, and dark spots from fungus and mold are cleaned during the preparation. To avoid both strips and differences in shades, you have to consider plaster to concrete and process the surface with antiseptic means.

The workplace is strengthened with primer, finishing putty, grind and reinforce the soil to improve the adhesion with coloring material.

How to paint the ceiling without divorces: preparation, choice of material, work 8035_2

Technology Painting

As soon as the first layer dries out, it becomes obvious, it was possible to paint the ceiling perfectly, without divorce or above the head there are marks from a roller. While the material is wet, defects are not visible, but it stands to dry, the drawing is manifested from the tool.

The problem is both in non-compliance with technology and in the choice of tools. In order to properly paint the walls and the ceiling, get a brush with a long pile, which allows you to treat the top of a non-divorce on the first phase. Finishing work is performed by a tool with a pile of medium height.

The coloring substance is adjusted to a homogeneous consistency (looking for instructions in the instructions) and begin work.

Before painting, a dilated part of the tool is partially immersed in the emulsion, roll it over the entire surface and applied to the ceiling by quick movements, inspecting the processed places near different angles, it is available to snow without divorce.

How to paint the ceiling without divorces: preparation, choice of material, work 8035_3

How it turns out that it fails to paint the wall, nor the ceiling and without divorce? Malyary advise:

• Acrylic paint or any other you need to apply only one layer with a wide roller, after which defects are detected, previously not visible. The rotating part of the tool is directed from the edges to the center.

• No matter how hard you try to paint the ceiling, if the layers of water-emulsion paint apply far from each other without divorce can not do, so apply them tightly, slightly in contact with the previous smear. The first strip is applied as close to the wall as much as possible.

• The first layers are laying parallel to the window to the window, and the latter is perpendicular.

To understand how to paint the walls and ceiling, look at the work by the roller of professionals leaving a flat surface without divorce. Video master classes are available on the network, it remains to choose the appropriate option.

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