Traditions Morder - Involving brides and pagan Easter

Traditions Morder - Involving brides and pagan Easter 8022_1
Traditions Morder - Involving brides and pagan Easter

Mordva is the ninth among the people of Russia, most of its representatives live in the Republic of Mordovia. The traditions of the Morder should be considered taking into account the separation of the people into two subcultural ethnos - the customs of Erzyan and Mokshan.

Many cultural elements of these peoples are similar, but there are noticeable differences that are expressed depending on the territory of the nearest tribes. The traditions of the muzzle are closely intertwined with Russian customs, because for many years these peoples coexisted closely and influenced each other, but there are also original elements. What is Mordovian culture?

Mordva - Moksha and Erzya

Mordovian people are the keeper of a rich history and cultural heritage. If the separation between Moksha and Erzya was very noticeable, today it is often expressed only by external signs. The dark-eyed and dark-haired range to the Erzyans, and Flooks - to Mokshanam.

A national costume played a significant role in an old role in the life of each tribe. Mokshanok was made to wear broad harshs and a shirt, which was tied to the waist.

But Erziang women preferred long shirts resembling dresses. Women's headdiers Erzya decorate patterns, some remotely resemble Russian kokoshniki, but Moksha is more likely to the likeness of Oriental Turbans.

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Eriangan at the Festival of Mordovian National Culture "Eriangan Lismapry" /

Wedding traditions of the face

Even in our time, the Mordovian people adheres to old customs. One of the most important events in a person's life is a wedding. A couple of centuries ago, the marriage was performed in different ways: leaving or self-serving, walling.

The first option was suitable for representatives of the lower social layers, the poor, which could not afford the cost of the holiday. The second version of the muzzle was more common. He assumed to conduct important rites, the departure of the woven, the preliminary negotiations between future relatives.

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Maiden Bath Wedding Morder Rite

On the eve of the wedding, the bride was supposed to pass the purification ritual. Called his "Maiden Bath". For the Mordva, water had a particular sacred force, which was reserved from the pagan times to our day. Before the marriage, the bride was supposed to be cleaned of sins and unkilled forces, which could come to her.

No less important ritual was "bare over porridge." He listed in the relatives of Kashi (sometimes she was replaced by cakes). Getting them, the bride thanked and began to complain about her destiny. Yes, it was a mandatory aspect of training, even if the girl was looking forward to the festive day and was in love with her groom.

In the old days, such exemptions could continue for about a week, and later reduced to several days. Today, a similar tradition of the Morder is practically impossible to see, however, travelers say that a one-day rite of complaints and crying is still preserved in removal villages. Upon its completion, the bride gives his best girlfriend a ring or a ribbon ribbon. Such a gift symbolizes a farewell to the virgin.

The final and most solemn part of the wedding is the injury of the bride. In this ritual, the shaved mother and father of the groom and umed (the person who should guard the wagon) is involved. Interestingly, the wedding in the face is a complex structure where there is even its "ranks".

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Wedding Tradition Mordva - Taking the Bride / Penza-press.Ru

Holidays Mordvoy

In the Mordovian calendar, many of the most different holidays, but most of them are associated with the seasons and the worship of nature. In the winter, they began to prepare for the holiday "Roshtovan Kudo". He has no analogues in our time, however, youth Mordva has great popularity. He was accompanied by songs, dances, games, as well as the "magical" rituals, some of which were very frivolous.

Also in the tradition of the Mordovian Erzya, we read the holiday Razkin OZKS, during the times of the peasant expansion almost devoted to oblivion, and today turned into an ethnic festival. The arrival of Christianity brought chaste the customs, but it did not become less fun. One of the most beloved holidays was "Calyadan-Chi", which was held in the Christmas Christmas Eve and was an analogue of the Russian day of the strides.

The Mordovian people believed that this day was the birth of a new sun, which gradually gains strength and appears on the sky. In the evening, the eve of the holiday, the children gathered in groups and went through the courtyards. They performed the neighbors solemn songs, and they treated performers with candy and other sweets.

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Holiday Morder Pagan roots crust crust

Despite the fact that most Mordva representatives today are Christians, the pagan echoes of the beliefs of distant ancestors are pronounced in their customs. For example, in the spring, the Easter Moksha and Eriangan make gifts to the deceased and Eriana, as well as ask the spirits of representatives of their kind to send a good harvest and well-being to families.

By the autumn on the fields of Mordovia, you can see several uncompressed rye bands. It is also associated with pagan cults. In the old days, the Mordovian people worshiped God fertility of Norovava. He was brought to her bread and salt, which was laid out in front of the field, and also left several lanes of wheat or rye, which was considered a gift to the Divine.

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Traditions and rites at the Mordva diverse /

Mordva - a bright and distinctive people, which is proud of their rich culture and history. The traditions of the face reflect the influence of Russian and other neighboring peoples, and some Erziang and Mokshan cultural features differ significantly.

The peoples of Mordovia are people that since a long time, respectfully belong to the native land, nature, old rites and traditions. Despite this, we know very little about the culture of the Morder, and therefore it is worth continuing to study it, because every time a new discovery happens.

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