Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys


The group of sociologists spent

As a result of which came to the conclusion that the percentage of divorces increases significantly if the family has a teenage daughter. Scientists found out the reason for this entertaining fact.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys 7995_1

What does statistics mean

Someone may seem strange that the sex of the child affects the relationship between parents. It seems, we live in the modern world, where you no longer need to pay the parents of the groom or collect the coming for daughter. But European and American scientists led to statistical data, according to which the half-primer floor affects the intra-family climate.

Researchers say that about 20%, family pairs are bred by the point when their first child reaches the age of majority. If a boy appeared first in the family, the risk of divorce decreases by about 5%. It seems that the difference in figures is insignificant, so scientists have not paid special attention to these data. Since the ancient times, the boys appreciated and burned, cared for them, surrounded love and caress.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys 7995_2

Somewhere deep inside in each parent still laid installations that the boy is more important for the family than the girl. Although, of course, modern mothers and dads love and appreciate children equally, regardless of gender. But the old foundations are still living in them, which, probably, at the Gennel are transmitted from generation to generation.

But scientists from Europe and America decided to hold a new sociological study on the influence of the sex of the first child on the relationship of parents. This time scientists focused on various age periods of boys and girls, and came to interesting conclusions. It turns out that the risk of divorces increases sharply when the girl reaches adolescent age. Moms and dads 14-15 Summer girls diverge up 15% more often than parents of boys of the same age.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys 7995_3

This means that the man and the woman live perfectly together, grows a small, cute girl. But as soon as the daughter begins to turn into a young woman, parents suddenly report their divorce. Is it possible to present? At first, scientists put forward a hypothesis that the hormonal explosion in the family does not withstand a man.

Still, there are two women in the house, in both PMS, mood swings, tears, whims, hysterics. Is it possible to live long in such a nightmare? But, as it turned out, women also during the period of sexual ripening of daughters often become initiators of gap with her husband.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys 7995_4

How can I explain the phenomenon of divorces

Biologists explain the reason for the divorce of parents of teenage girls from their point of view. A living organism strives to keep life and make offspring. Even some types of animals are growing and raised by the cubs until they become attractive for a potential partner and will not be able to multiply.

Girls are a bit earlier than boys reach puberty. To make daughter able to find a worthy partner, it is desirable that there is no strict, demanding father near. Women are subconsciously understood, so try to do everything possible to quickly divorce your husband. Teenage boys, on the contrary, need parent support to succeed and conquer the heart of the best girl. Also, the mother realizes that an example of a courageous, strong, educated father should be before the eyes of a young son.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys 7995_5

But, despite the biological attitudes that are laid in us by Mother-Nature, many parents still retain marriage, even if their beautiful daughter is growing.

And scientists came to an interesting conclusion. It turns out if the head of the family lived with a sister, the risk of divorce during the period of domestic ripening is reduced. Probably, a man is easier to treat adolescent maximalism, hysterics and tears, if he came across them in his youth.

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What do parents of adolescent children say

Svetlana, Mom 17-year-old Veronica:

"We had excellent relationships before the birth of my daughter. But after her appearance, we rarely swore, supported each other, helped. Many couples cannot keep marriage after the child's appearance, and this is understandable. Test for men and women Serious! And we coped, and it seems to love and respect each other even more. Veronica grew, pleased us with good school at school, success in rhythmic gymnastics. Every summer we flew the whole family to rest, we had a tradition on weekends - we had breakfast in your favorite restaurant. Everything was fine. And then, when Veronica turned 13 years old, my husband and I began to often quarrel. The daughter also poured the oil into the fire, but I was always on her side. The girl has a transitional age, you need to maintain, and not prohibit, criticize, scold. At first, disagreements about the upbringing of Veronica arose with her husband. Then it turned out that he didn't like much in me, but I also do not like some nuances. When the husband moved to another room, almost stopped communicating with me, I realized that the family would be an end if I urgently do not take any actions. Some miraculously, I persuaded my husband to visit the family psychologist. On the first session, he walked with a skeptical smile, they say, good, I will do it for your sake. Then, with each session, we understood that we were getting closer again, which gradually returns the time when we were native people. "
Scientists came to the conclusion that the parents of girls are bred more often than parents of boys 7995_6

Irina, Mom 15-year-old Yana:

"When the daughter began to turn out of a small, curly babes in a skating girl, her husband began to criticize the Yana sharply. He did not like everything in it: clothes, makeup, hairstyle, manicure. Yana learns well, dreams of entering Medical University. I first tried to talk to my husband, I asked to be softer with Yana, but he did not want to listen to me. When my patience bursts, I was submitted. Yana reacted to my decision calmly. She said that we are adults, and have the right to choose the life that we like. Now Yana communicates with his father, and he behaves at meetings as caring and loving dad. "

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