ONEPLUS Watch clock: When will come out and how much will it cost


Oneplus for a very long time teased us with smart watches that had to go under this nonsense. Comments, leaks, opinions of analysts, and even posts in ONEPLUS accounts appeared periodically. That's just no clock so far. But it seems that finally their time came and the gadget began to receive the certificates you need before going out. Now we are not even about one model, but immediately about two. There is at least a few confirmations. As long as we have the opportunity to wait for a pleasant surprise from Oneplus, let's collect everything together and try to understand what we are preparing when it comes out and how much will it cost.

ONEPLUS Watch clock: When will come out and how much will it cost 7972_1
The process of creating smart watches, like any other gadget, complicated, but interesting.

What does oneplus watch look

According to the OnePlus Health application, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer can really release two smart gadgets at once. One of them will have a round dial and the W501GB model number. And the second will receive the square case and the number of the W301GB model.

Both of these wearable devices are certified to India's Bureau (BIS). Therefore, it can be expected that this country will be among the first to receive new hours. It happened with the first carriage - OnePlus Band, which came out earlier this month.

ONEPLUS Watch clock: When will come out and how much will it cost 7972_2
OnePlus Band can compete with existing trackers. Will it be able to do oneplus watch?

Many assumed that the OnePlus Watch could be very similar to the already available OPPO clock, but even if the information is confirmed, it is not necessary to worry much about this. Even with similar appearance, the manufacturer can try to interest us with something else. For example, price or additional functions.

What are the oneplus clock

The first smart watches of the Chinese brand can get almost any name. But while with a lot of probability, you can talk about the predictable OnePlus Watch for the basic version of the device and oneplus Watch Rx for more advanced.

Used onePlus NORD N10. I am impressions

Attentive readers will notice similarity with the OPPO Watch and OPPO Watch RX models. The second has not yet been on sale, so it's difficult to compare with them, but oneplus can afford not to just rebrant the OPPO clock, which is part of the BBK group, like she herself, but also offer its improvements. Again, while it's only rumors, and to compare the clock is still early.

ONEPLUS Watch clock: When will come out and how much will it cost 7972_3
ONEPLUS clock can be similar to OPPO clock, but it is not for sure.

Operating system OnePlus Watch

Initially appeared the information that OnePlus would deliver his smart watches with Google Wear. But, unfortunately, it may not be so, and even the OnePlus Health app confirms the same.

Consequently, we can expect that these wearable devices will work your own software. The disadvantage of such a decision can be the lack of support for third-party applications. If the operating system is really its own development OnePlus, then, most likely, we get another fitness tracker, disguised as a smart watch.

OnePlus Band came out officially, but our Ivan Kuznetsov did not bought him and you do not advise you.

Limited OnePlus Watch Series

At least one of the two smart hours OnePlus was originally planned to be released along with onePlus 8t. Perhaps those that have a square dial (W301GB), as they were certified by IMDA Singapore back at the end of August 2020.

Since these hours were supposed to be issued in the second half of last year, the company even planned to release Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition with the OnePlus 8T model in the same topics.

ONEPLUS Watch clock: When will come out and how much will it cost 7972_4
Such straps flowed into the network, but we never saw them in the form of a finished product.

This was confirmed by the leakage of thematic straps, which occurred in early November last year. There is no particular sense to produce such a special edition, but the flexibility of the company in this respect suggests that it is worth waiting for some surprises. At a minimum, no one canceled the version in the McLaren style, which will complement the relevant smartphones of the company.


Oneplus has not officially announced the start date OnePlus Watch. But the Director-General of Pete Lau reports that the gadget will be released at the beginning of 2021. The delays were already, but taking into account the emergence of certification documents, one can expect that the novelty is really very close.

Some time ago it was already possible to buy OnePlus 9, but was a catch

How much will oneplus watch cost

OnePlus was born as a brand that offered flagship solutions at significantly lower prices. From the moment of its creation, the company's products were cheaper than topical solutions of competitors, although often even ahead of it according to some parameters.

This gives all the grounds to believe that the company will release the clock with the same philosophy. But considering how she raised prices for OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro last year, and then began to produce devices in the budget segment, you can assume the opposite. That is, we will just get the clock for our money and no eoppor of generosity here. Although, personally, I want to believe in the first option. I think you too.

ONEPLUS Watch clock: When will come out and how much will it cost 7972_5
OnePlus 8T.

Will oneplus watch be sold in Russia

It remains only to add that the clock is most likely, oneplus will be sold in the same place where its smartphones. That is, official coming to Russia in the first stages do not have to wait.

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At the same time, no one canceled gray supplies and order from Aliexpress. This means that if the clock do you like, then you can buy them without problems.

So far you can familiarize yourself with this list of wearable devices, which we have prepared for you not so long ago. And how to learn all the models, come back here or in our Telegram Chat to tell about what you expect from the first in the history of smart clock under the OnePlus brand.

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