The authorities of Kazakhstan appreciated the prospect of introducing covid passports

The authorities of Kazakhstan appreciated the prospect of introducing covid passports 7967_1
The authorities of Kazakhstan appreciated the prospect of introducing covid passports

The government of Kazakhstan assessed the prospect of introducing covid passports for the population of the republic. This was spoke in the Ministry of Health of the Republic on January 19. The head of the department Alexei Tsoi also called the exact date for the start of vaccination "satellite V".

The authorities of Kazakhstan will introduce an electronic vaccination passport for those who get vaccinated from coronavirus. This was stated by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Alexey Tsoi at a briefing on Tuesday.

The head of the Ministry of Health also commented on the beginning of the vaccination campaign in the republic. According to him, it is planned to sign an agreement between the Karaganda pharmaceutical pharmaceutical board and the Russian Foundation for direct investment on the supply of the first batch of 20 thousand doses of the Satellite Vaccine. On January 20, it is planned to issue permission to a one-time import, send the data of the letter to the "SK Pharmacy" for a procurement in a special order.

"By February 1, it is planned to begin vaccination against coronavirus infection to be subject to population groups. The forecast for vaccination will be carried out in stages, taking into account the receipt of the vaccine, "the minister said.

Details of the vaccination procedure in Kazakhstan revealed the official representative of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Committee Yerzhan Baitanaev. According to him, vaccination against coronavirus infection can be obtained in the polyclinic at the place of attachment. At the same place, primarily vaccination will be covered by medical professionals of infectious hospitals, emergency medical care, resuscitation, primary patiences, adopted chambers, SanEpidservable employees.

At the second stage of vaccination, teachers of schools and universities will be vaccinated, as well as medical workers who have not included in the first stage. The third stage - teachers of boarding schools, children's preschool institutions, students and faces with chronic diseases.

Recall, on December 21 in Kazakhstan launched the production of the Russian Vaccine "Satellite V" on the basis of the Karaganda pharmaceutical complex. The first experienced party of 6 thousand doses was sent to the quality check in Russia, its security was confirmed.

Previously, it was noted that the Russian vaccine produced in Kazakhstan will not be exported and intended for vaccination of residents of the republic. In addition, the drug is likely to cost more than in Russia due to more complex logistics and organization of production.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic also issued a temporary registration of the Kazakhstan vaccine against Coronavirus Qazcovid-in, despite the fact that it was still held only two test stages. The mass vaccination of the Kazakhstan vaccine is planned to begin in March.

Read more about Vaccination from Coronavirus and the deadlines of the Pandemic read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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