Shepherd found parrot in garbage and they became friends

Shepherd found parrot in garbage and they became friends 7964_1

The story began last summer when friends called me to visit kebabs and a bath. They have a house in a small cottage settlement within the city. The plug was not, and I arrived a little earlier planned. Boris - the owner of the house - has not returned. I went for meat. And I decided to walk around the village, look at new homes.

Their Shepherd Dog Berta was coming for me - a big lover climb into the garbage tanks. It does not matter that at home in a bowl of food exclusively super premium class. The trash is holy. Therefore, Berta immediately ran to the tanks immediately, but suddenly stopped, began to bark hysterically and refused to approach me.

I had to go to understand. The monstrous thing turned out - a cage with a spray parrot was behind the garbage tanks. He had a luxurious color, and externally, terrible. Apparently, one of the neighbors played and poured the bird. I could not leave her on the street. I had to urgently finish a walk and go to understand the unfortunate bird.

The situation decided the most well. Boris and Alena were delighted with a parrot and decided to leave themselves. We shaped in the bath, filed kebabs, and in the morning I went home. Almost half a year, I forgot about that find. And then after the new year, friends again invited them to the cottage. We covered the table on the covered terrace. We are standing, fry kebab. And then it came to the parrot. It turned out that they called him Lyusia.

The bird was adapted very hard. To Bore with Alena, she treated alert for a very long time. Although they deliced ​​differently to her. And they did not stick to. Even the children were forbidden to the cell approach not to unwind the bird. But, for several months, her only friend was ... Berta. As soon as Boris or Alenka approached Lucke, she was shied. It was worth running around Berth, Lucy immediately calmed down.

"Somehow I go into the room," Boris told, "Berta ruled on the sofa, and Luska her had something in his ear.

Meanwhile, the kebab dugged, and we sat on the table. A cell with a lude was not far away. But somewhere after an hour, the bird began to behave somehow strange: nervous and rushed through the cage. Then in one corner will run, then in another. And it seems to look out for something. Then you begin to start the entire courtyard. We could not understand - what's the matter. Boria just in case released Bert from home, and she immediately ran up to the gate and began to sniff.

We decided to look out on the street - you never know. And near the outside of the gate of the dark lumbar lies - a tiny kitten at all. Lucy as she saw that the owner had brought him to the site, so immediately calmed down.

"That's why everyone of your arrival adds to our family some kind of living creatures," the hands in the Boka Alenka.

What am I what. I am not specifically. It's all Lyusya in some kind of birds felt. Apparently, now there is no sooner to visit me.

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