Seedlings of tomatoes - Growing without dive


    Good afternoon, my reader. Many gardeners are trying to grow at home. The most difficult task at the same time is considered to be the peaking of young shoots. It should be understood that when using certain techniques, it is possible to easily do without this operation.

    Seedlings of tomatoes - Growing without dive 7962_1
    Tomato seedlings - Growing without picking Maria Verbilkova

    When sowing tomatoes in general capacity, it is difficult to calculate the optimal density of future shoots. Requires timely and competent recording. This operation is the extraction of young plants from the soil and a transplant in an individual capacity. It facilitates the improvement of nutrition and strengthen shoots.

    But when dive, it is important not to miss the moment when shoots most easily transferring it. Elegations can be damaged during this operation and even with a successful outcome, they need time to adapt.

    Before you decide with the way of self-cultivation of tomato seedlings, you need to find out their strengths. Of interest are the advantages of cultivating tomatoes without dive:

    • simplifying care;
    • time saving;
    • Reducing the risk of damage to the root system and fragile stems of young seedlings;
    • lack of stress that further quickly adapt to new conditions;
    • The formation of a strong root that ensures the qualitative development of tomatoes after a transplantation.
    Seedlings of tomatoes - Growing without dive 7962_2
    Tomato seedlings - Growing without picking Maria Verbilkova

    It is more convenient to use ready-made universal loose soil for sowing work. If the soil mixture was harvested on their own, then it is necessary to warm or blocked, can be shedding insecticide solution.

    Seeds are preliminarily recommended to withstand 25-30 minutes in pink potassium permanganate solution. Since the development is activated without dive, the sowing work can be carried out even in May.

    It will be necessary to prepare individual disinfected containers with drainage holes. They must provide enough space for a rapidly growing seedlings, so the recommended volume is 500-1000 ml.

    Soil poured, fill in the initial stage of 1/3 of the total capacity of the container. Moisturize and laid out in a shallow well 2-3 seeds. Such a margin is necessary in case, if not all branches will be processed. If unnecessary shoots appear, then the strongest instance is taken, and the rest are gently cut at the soil level with scissors or, if necessary, transplanted into other cups.

    As the plants develop and their growth in Tara gradually add soil. Such a measure contributes to the formation of a branched root system, which further quickly surrenders after transplantation.

    Seedlings of tomatoes - Growing without dive 7962_3
    Tomato seedlings - Growing without picking Maria Verbilkova

    It can be used for individual tanks of infirm materials. Make from the flap of non-woven material or a dense film of the croke, having turned over the edges. Fill them with a completely soil substrate and tightly installed in a suitable box. It remains to plant seeds. When you need to add sowing ground, the edges simply unfold to the desired height.

    With a shortage of individual seats, sowing is successfully practiced in a common container, making sure the gaps between the individual grains of 5-8 cm. After the appearance of germs, plastic (plywood, cardboard) separators are established between them - partitions that will not allow the roots of individual plants to intertwine. The ground is then added as needed.

    Young shoots need to provide sufficient lighting, equipping phytolamba if necessary.

    Move not passing the picking stage of tomatoes at a permanent place at a height of about 25-30 cm. By this moment, about 35-40 days passes after the development of germs. We transplanted, not traumating seedlings, with a lump of land.

    Since the tomatoes grown on their own immediately in individual tanks, they cost without dive, they suffer less when changing conditions and demonstrate high-quality further development. It is worth take this way to armared.

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