An expert from the United States explained why no tank will be in front of the new Abrams V4


Already in the foreseeable future, the first experienced Abrams V4 will be released.

Journalist Chris Osborne published an article about the advantages and invincibility of the American updated Tank M1 Abrams in the American Press. The review of this material represents the "military case" edition.

An expert from the United States explained why no tank will be in front of the new Abrams V4 7961_1

According to the journalist, the tank will have the same basic configuration, as in the former modification. Machine mass and caliber guns will be saved, but the new Abrams will become even more deadly than ever before. For example, now the US military and engineers test AMR (Advanced Multi-Purpose). This is a new multipurpose 120 millimeter projectile. AMP will have both a contact fuse and a delay firm, which will allow to undermine the projectile in the air. The possibility of using this ammunition in different conditions will be provided with a data transfer system. Automation itself introduces the necessary data into the jang's memory. Thus, a projectile with a programmed fuse will be able to destroy many different purposes. The author writes that the introduction of Advanced Multi-Purpose will allow you to replace four types of various shells, which are now used in the Abrams.

An expert from the United States explained why no tank will be in front of the new Abrams V4 7961_2

Also an updated tank will receive new radio electronic equipment, fire management system and other elements of combat equipment. The American author writes that in order to increase the efficiency of application, new tanks will receive infrared third-generation surveillance systems. The equipment will differ in digital signal processing and a large image image resolution.

An expert from the United States explained why no tank will be in front of the new Abrams V4 7961_3

It is reported that the CREW protective system will also receive a protective system for the modernization program. It will fight with radio-controlled homemade explosive devices. The equipment independently searches for the mining radio channels and suppresses them. Also, the tanks will receive a full-fledged active protection that will not be a mounted element, and will become a full-fledged combat vehicle system.

An expert from the United States explained why no tank will be in front of the new Abrams V4 7961_4

Already in the foreseeable future, the first experienced Abrams V4 will be released. According to the author of the material, the Abrams platform is constantly being upgraded by implementing the most advanced technology and innovative solutions into the design. A new tank, which should appear by the mid-20s, will include modern sensors, color chambers, laser rangefinder technology, ammunition data channels and meteorological sensors, helping the fire control system to take into account corrections for weather conditions.

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