Khokal triangle: what to do next?

Khokal triangle: what to do next? 7951_1

On March 12, the Press Club of the Novosibirsk Union of Journalists gathered at the round table of all who concerned the problem of the existence of the so-called Khiloka market - journalists, deputies, social activists and government representatives.

They spoke about many and in, first of all, what problems are created by the Khildo market, today working under the sign "TC Khokalsky", the tenants of the neighborhood, adjacent to the market.

One of the participants of the meeting of Jeanne Oleinikov, a representative of the Kiloki microdistrict, read the appeal of its inhabitants, who have to survive in catastrophic conditions - among the garbage, Haling rats and flock of stray dogs.

"From kiosks that stand almost close to homes, constant noise, smells of rotten fruits, exhaust gases from cars of merchants who bring the goods by driving at the sidewalks and pedestrian tracks. For the observations of tenants - constant aggression. Roads inside the street and so in a deplorable state, and in the spring and in the fall they are not at all. Traders from the Fair Park their cars, where it is convenient, "the appeal says.

The fact that, according to residents of the Khokalsky microdistrict, occurs daily, can outraged anyone. After all, in fact, under the windows of residential buildings, market traders were spread by antisanitation, riddling the site, where garbage is going, not only with rotten fruit-vegetables, but also by the waste from the slaughterhouse located immediately, and this cattle of Khokal dealers will be cut right in front of children.

"In March last year, the supervisory authority all points over" and "put out and made an order to eliminate violations of federal legislation. In the execution of such a prescription, it was necessary to simply close this formation (CJSC "TC Khokalsky". - Approx. Ed.), Because to fulfill the activities of the Khokalsky, in line with federal legislation, or it is impossible, or these are very significant investments - hundreds of millions of rubles. . And then the solution of the supervisory authority simply did not execute. In February of this year, the appellate stage of the Arbitration Court was held, where once again confirmed that the decision of the supervisory authority legally and requires execution.

In the same year, there were appeals to the court of citizens and public organizations, there were numerous complaints in various instances. But "Cherry on the cake" of all this was the arrival of the head of the Ministry of Industrial Trade of Russia in Novosibirsk. Nikita Kuznetsov then stated that the "TC Khokalsky" is a model for the whole country to organize market activities in the framework of the new wholesale market trade law. It is necessary to clarify that this law, the ministry develops with the participation of representatives of the Khokal market in one working group, "the Chairman of the Board of the Novosibirsk Union of Journalists of Jacob Samokhin told the participants of the Round Table. And he added that the statement of the Moscow official sounded in Novosibirsk a week after the Arbitration Court of the Novosibirsk Region confirmed that the presentation of the prosecutor's office legally and requires fulfillment.

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Yakov Samokhin, Chairman of the Board of the Novosibirsk Union of Journalists

Yakov Samokhin explained that, first of all, the safety of both people living near the Kilok market is the position of merchants from the market for the owners of this territory and, as a result, aggressive behavior in relation to local residents has long become the norm, and anyone who buys him Products. After all, the maximum permissible concentration in the market of such hazardous heavy metals, like mercury and tin, are at times exceeded. And the market products are delivered on hundreds of outlets selling vegetables and fruits in Novosibirsk.

These words were confirmed by representatives of residents of the Khokalsky microdistrict Irina Kuzmin and Jeanne Oleinikov, who told about diseases of children and adults living near the dangerous place.

"There is an excess and in soil of hazardous substances outside the sanitary zone, and air, and that the most unpleasant - in the blood of people," explained the results of the studies of Evgeny Mitrofanov, Chairman of the Board of the NARO for the Environmental Protection "Siberian Ecological Commonwealth".

Evgeny Bayadilov, an assistant to the prosecutor of the Leninsky district of Novosibirsk told the participants of the round table, which last year the prosecutor's office conducted an inspection during which violations were revealed. The leadership of CJSC "TC Khokalsky" was made, with whom it disagreed and appealed him in court. Courts in court lasted until February of this year, but also the Arbitration Court of the NSO, and the appellate court in Tomsk recognized the actions of the prosecutor's office by legal, and the requirements of the supervisory authority must be fulfilled. In case of non-fulfillment of claims, the prosecutor's office intends to go to court.

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Evgeny Bayadilov, Assistant Prosecutor of the Leninsky District of Novosibirsk

In particular, the prosecutor's office demanded from CJSC "TC Khokalsky" to stop the retail trade in the market, since the shopping center positions itself as a wholesaler. The site where the market is located, which also indicated the supervisory authority is used. The management of the shopping center argues that part of the violations of the currently eliminated, in particular, the kiosks were closed, where retail trade was carried out, and measures were taken on other violations. However, residents of the microdistrict at a round table reported that retail trade is terminated only at the time of raids and inspections, information about which is received in the market in advance. So it was, in particular, just a week ago, during a joint raid conducted by the Office of the Consumer Market of the City Hall of the Novosibirsk and Deputies of the City Council. Reid participants appeared well: Kiosks are closed, garbage is hidden, the tracks sprinkled with sand. But as soon as the check is completed, everything returns to the circles.

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Roman Yakovlev, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region

"The microdistrict is very complex from the point of view of living conditions," said Roman Yakovlev, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region from the district to whom the Khokalsky neighborhood belongs. - There is not only the wholesale market, the fairs are located on the territory of Khokoksky, which, in my opinion, complicate the lives of people living in the territory of the microdistrict. The kiosks of these fairs put people right under the windows, and they have a large number of questions to the market. "

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Yakov Novoselov, deputy of the SCMSOVIES Novosibirsk region

"For all formal features, this is not a shopping center, no matter how much they wanted to be called. This is the market for all signs, "explained the deputy of the semblance of the Novosibirsk Region of Yakov Novoselov, who had previously participated in the expertise of commercial education. - We formulated: what is in this area is the market, and not a shopping center. By the way, in addition to other things, we conducted an assessment of the quality of food products and found more fake declarations in addition to poor-quality products, which, of course, reported by Rospotrebnadzor.

However, Rospotrebnadzor, according to the deputy, was ignored by this information. As not surprising, because the department refused to participate in the round table. In writing, saying that "this aspect is not the subject of competence of Rospotrebnadzor." And indeed: is the fake declarations on vegetables and fruits imported in Novosibirsk a hundred thousand trucks per year through the territory of Khiloksky, where even there is no sanitary laboratory, is included in the competence of this department.

In the Khoklock Triangle, as the chairman of the ROO "Center of Legal Initiatives of Consumer", Mikhail Mikhailov, was concentrated, the whole dirt of the city was concentrated: on the one hand, the cemetery, on the other, is the "Left-Bank" polygon with the waste of the danger of the 1st grade, and from the third-inhilosky market Parking heavy trucks mainly with engines included. According to the public, such a neighborhood is unacceptable - in this place, or people should not live, or there should be no market.

"We have heard a lot today," Galina Ryabtsev, Deputy Head of the Office of the Consumer Market of the Novosibirsk City Hall, did not apply to our powers, but many things can be changed. And, if the journalists or from public organizations will receive appeals to the description of concrete facts, surnames, cases, it will never be ignored. We will understand ... to evaluate the Khokal market is not included in our authority, but the existence on this enterprise, we see that this, of course, no example of the best market. And you need to change something. "

"I offer on the results of our discussion to prepare an appeal and send it to all instances capable of influence the situation," his moderator, director of the Press Club NSG, an expert of the Public Chamber of the Novosibirsk Region Eleonor Solomennikova, completed such words. And recalled the gathered full text of the famous proverb: "A drop stone sharpens not by force, but a frequency of fall."

This proposal was actively supported by the participants of the round table. Since the problems associated with the chill, alas, became the troubles of not only residents of the neighborhood adjacent to the market. Antisanitarian, food storage and trade in them in a place dangerous to health, especially since these products then fall on the counters of the outlets of all Novosibirsk - all this is the problem of the whole city. The problem you want to decide as soon as possible.

Valery Ivanov

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