Scientists voiced claims to the "Vector" vaccine from Coronavirus

Scientists voiced claims to the

Novosibirsk Center for Virology "Vector" claims to create the world's first coronavirus vaccine, based on peptides. But it is the peptides that are chosen wrong, scientists consider.

Volunteers involved in the tests of the "Epivakkoron" vaccine from the Novosibirsk "Vector" said that after the vaccination, the test did not find antibodies.

In the course of the study of the participants in the experiment, it was warned that 75% of them will receive a real vaccine, and 25% - placebo. But to whom it will get, did not reveal. This is the principle of the blind method to eliminate the factory trading.

However, after a vaccine after a number of days when antibodies were to begin to be generated in the body, the participants did the test. It turned out that there are no antibodies to coronavirus in 50% of volunteers. Participants in the experiment asked this question to the leadership of the "Vector", which they answered that they themselves were surprised by this result, writes the "Russian BBC Service".

The skepticism of scientists causes the fact that the "vector" vaccine is built on peptides. There were many attempts in the world to create a peptide vaccination, but as a result, no one went to the market. The essence of peptide vaccines is that it consists of peptides - small proteins, the immune force of which should be raised by special additives.

"The immune system to recognize the" stranger "must have a rather large protein. And the peptides are small, "Alexander Chepurnov, a leading researcher, emphasized the scientific officer of fundamental and clinical immunology.

In addition, experts criticize the choice of the "vector" of the peptides themselves.

"Three peptides in the vaccine are unsuccessful, these are not the peptides that have been published as epitopes for a person to develop immunity," the Russian-speaking molecular biologist from Edinburgh University said in a conversation with the BiBi-Si, who asked not to mention his name.

In three of the seven peptides described in Patent, there were places for glycosylation - a process that can be reduced to no antibody with a virus. This claim for the vaccine described the biologist Olga Matveyeva in the scientific newspaper "Trinity".

These and other facts make scientists doubt the effectiveness of the Vaccine "Vector". However, the full conclusions are difficult to do, since the "vector" classified the results of the first and second test phase when the safety of the drug was checked. The "Vector" himself said not so long ago that the vaccine developed by its scientists is 100% effective.

Experts also note - the fact that the "Vector" is included in the structure of Rospotrebnadzor, the state body, can affect the result of the work, in which the main thing is to comply with all state standards.

"The media is afraid to publish evidence of the ineffectiveness of" Epivak ", because the article of the Criminal Code for slander is constantly tougher ... scientists are afraid of expressing their opinion, even those who work abroad. This is all sad. It seems that there will be a "satellite" to collect all the attacks, and people will wait for the mythical vaccine from the "vector", safe and luite effective, "Virologist of the Novosibirsk State University and Researcher of the University of Minnesota Margarita Romanenko also wrote in their telegram channel.

"Vector" registered a vaccine on October 13, 2020. Like a "satellite", it is done in two stages with an interval of 21 days. "Epivakororon" is already vaccinated within the framework of civil vaccination, but so far less often than the "satellite". Three thousand volunteers took part in the tests, while the "satellite" in the framework of the experiment put 30 thousand people.

At the end of January, Mikhail Mishoustin Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin ordered to allocate 2 billion rubles for the production of "epivakvoron". For this money from February it is planned to produce more than 2 million doses.

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