When did the VCR appeared?

When did the VCR appeared? 7833_1
VCR "Electronics VM-18" Photo: Oleg Ustinov, personal archive

The amazing time of the 90s is often remembered, when video recorders were popular. People sought more to receive interesting information, watch favorite films and concerts of pop stars not on schedule, and when it was necessary when it was a reason for this and convenient time. At this time, video recorders and camcorders come into our lives.

Miracle! He took off a family celebration, and then a collective view could be arranged in time. And how many noise have the video gallets? At each corner there were such points, at the stations - necessarily. It was possible to cut the time and see the new western fighter, which has not yet been shown on our TV and at the box office. Interesting was time.

At first, people sought to keep the sound, speech, songs, performances of famous singers. Inventors around the world were in the search for sound recording tools. So the first phonograph appeared. A special needle connected to the membrane reacted to the oscillations of the sound and left the sound track on the disk. Years went, and such a design was improved, but the sound quality remained terrible.

Then there are plates and gramophones. Pathetones decorated any home and were at every celebration. With the invention of the flash, the sound became loud and high-quality.

The big work of inventors and the years of search leads to new discovers - a tape recorder appears. He decides a lot of problems and first of all - this is an excellent sound quality. The dictaphones became an indispensable thing of the journalist, and high quality tape recorders went into each other family.

But people thought: if you can write the sound, then why not write the image with sound? The idea existed, and scientists searched for recording and playback methods.

Began with filmoregistors, but it was expensive, and the low quality of the film led to magnetic image recording. Over time, the magnetic head began to rotate, and the quality of the recorded picture and sound became largely the best.

Years, the VCRs became an integral equipment of television vehicles. We could already watch your favorite transfer and broadcasts in the record. And people dreamed when such devices will appear at home? And they, of course, appeared. They were expensive, and first their owners were wealthy and successful people.

The birthday of the VCRs are considered to be March 14, 1956. For the first time in America, journalists publicly demonstrated the work of this remarkable invention, and the Russian emigrant created him, the inventor A. M. Potoyanov. The first model of its VCR master designed in the usual garage. So, the word "Vidic" appeared in everyday life - that is, "excellent".

In 1984, a video recorder appeared and in our apartment. It was a VM-12 model, a little later - VM-18. Wonderful models in the city of Voronezh were produced. Since that time, a huge video card has accumulated: movies, children's cartoons, records of music clips and favorite programs. Over time, we have an imported video recorder "Toshiba", it was more compact.

So before our eyes came to the house record video. This story is on two pages, but the years of painstaking work passed.

Author - Oleg Ustinov

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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