Dangerous proximity. Estonian intelligence believes that Russia is preparing for war with NATO

Dangerous proximity. Estonian intelligence believes that Russia is preparing for war with NATO 7831_1

The Russian authorities are trying to dismiss the West with the help of a pandemic, spread all over the world "Satellite V" vaccine, and are also preparing for a full-scale War with NATO. Such conclusions came one of the Estonian special services - the Department of External Intelligence.

"The leadership of Russia contributes to the fact that the Global Epidemic forced Western countries to focus on internal political and economic problems, makes up populist and extremist movements to the fore, and eventually reduces the value and institutional unity of Western countries, the special service reports in the published report. - For our part, Russia is ready to fow these trends. "

One of the goals of the Russian authorities, according to Estonian intelligence, is discrediting vaccines from coronavirus produced in Western countries. "By slander Russia hopes to create more favorable positions for its vaccines in the world market and promote its strategic ambitions to show itself as a global force that can be the first to propose a decision of the COVID-19 crisis, indicated in the report.

Ultimately, all these actions should lead to removal of anti-Russian sanctions. "The long-term goal of Russia in relation to the EU - to weaken or cancel the sanctions, without going on any concessions," they consider in intelligence.

Get ready for war

The long-term strategy of Russia, according to the authors of the report, is to prepare for a full-scale military confrontation with NATO. "It is still clear that in this area for Russia, it is paramount to increase the regional advantage of forces from the point of view of both the presence of troops and modernization and deployment of missile armament," is indicated in the document.

In particular, the authors of the report note that a new tank regiment has appeared in the Kaliningrad region in recent years, as well as a new motorized rifle division. In addition, on the coast of the Finnish Bay, the deployment of the Rocket Defense Rocket Defense Racket Rapod 120 km continues.

"Russia is trying to prevent the placement of American rocket weapons in Europe and the linked parity of the forces, the authors of the study also write. "The Russian leadership is still concerned about the infrastructure of the American AEGIS Ashore missile defense system in Europe, since, according to Russia, the missile defense prevents it from threatening NATO with a nuclear attack."

Permanent threat

Report on the state of security threats The Estonian External Intelligence Department publishes annually. A significant part of this document is usually devoted to Russia.

For example, in 2019, the report said that "the only serious threat to the safety of our region, including the existence and sovereignty of Estonia and other states of the Baltic Sea coast, comes from Russia."

"In his foreign policy, Russia, among other things, leads a demonstration of military power, using the dependence of other states from Russian energy carriers, performing cyberatics and influencing false information and so-called soft methods," then the general director of the Department of the Department Mikk Marran was argued.

Marran made that Russia considers the possibility of starting a full-scale war against NATO. "Although in reality the reality of the embodiment of such a black scenario is small, it is impossible to exclude surprises regarding authoritarian regime," he wrote then.

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