Guterrish decided to run for the second five-year term as the UN Secretary General


Guterrish decided to run for the second five-year term as the UN Secretary General

Guterrish decided to run for the second five-year term as the UN Secretary General

Almaty. January 12th. KazTAG - The current Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) Anthony Guterre decided to run for the second five-year term as head of the organization, the UN press service reported.

"The head of the UN Anthony Guterrish in response to the request of the President of the General Assembly, which he received on Friday, today reported that he would not object to re-election for a second term, if such is the desire of members of the organization. He sent the appropriate letter to the chairman of the UN Security Council. Last weekend, Antoniou Guterrish contacted the telephone from the heads of regional groups so that everyone had the same information at their disposal, "the UN Secretary Press Secretary said Stephen Duzharrick.

Guterrish also discussed this issue with five permanent members of the Security Council.

"This morning, the Secretary-General officially informed his decision by the Chairmen of the General Assembly and the Security Council," said Duzharrick, answering a journalist's question.

Guterrish took office on the UN Secretary General on January 1, 2017 after on October 13, 2016, his candidacy - on the recommendation of the Security Council without a vote - approved the UN Genasembly. At that time, Guterrish held the post of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The current UN head was born on April 30, 1949 in Lisbon. He studied engineering and physics at the Higher Technical Institute, and also worked as a teacher at the university. In 1974, Guterry entered the Socialist Party, and in 1995, three years after the election of the Secretary-General of the Party, he became the Prime Minister of Portugal.

Guterris is the Ninth Secretary General of the UN. He changed Ban Ki-moon in this post. To Ban Guy Muna This post was occupied by: Kofi Annan (1997-2006), Bootros-Gali Bootros (1992-1996), Javier Perez de Cuelar (1982-1991), Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981), Tan (1961-1971) ), Dag Hammarcheld (1953-1961) and Trugve Lee (1946-1952).

"In the entire history of UN, the Secretariat was headed by three representatives of Western Europe, two representatives from Africa and Asia and one - from Latin America," the United Nations clarified.

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