Bitcoin updates historical maxima, and Ilon Mask becomes a "godfather" cryptocurrency

Bitcoin updates historical maxima, and Ilon Mask becomes a
Bitcoin updates historical maxima, and Ilon Mask becomes a "godfather" cryptocurrency

On February 8, Tesla announced the "historical" investment in Bitcoin in the amount of 1.5 billion dollars. One of the richest people of the planet, TESLA CEO Ilon Mask, said that the company will soon begin to take bitcoins as a form of payment for electric vehicles. So, the car Tesla Model S will cost the owner of 2.5 Bitcoin.

On this background, the digital currency rose to a record level of $ 48 thousand, but literally after a couple of hours it dropped to $ 45-47 thousand. At the current rate, the cost of one coin is estimated at about 3.4 million rubles.

Part of the analysts are inclined to assume that Ilon Mask has later turned his attention to cryptocurrency. However, if you consider that this is only the first major transaction, followed by the further development of the digital financial industry, then perhaps we are now seeing the Golden Middle.

Tesla and Bitcoin - Archetype Volatility

Antonio Trenchev, co-founder and managing partner of the bank Cryptovalut Nexo, noted that "Tesla and Bitcoin - archetype volatility". The price for TESLA shares, as well as cryptocurrency, primarily depend on the emotional state of market participants. Mr. Mask understands this perfectly and, most importantly, knows how to use it. One word of the American millionaire can significantly affect the financial market.

On February 4, Ilon Mask posted one word Doge in his twitter account, which was a marker for a comic digital coin, the symbol of which was a dog from the Internet Mem. After a few hours, the cost of cryptocurrency dogecoin has doubled.

Cryptovaluats - "These are tools that have emerged due to the disappointment and the courage of investors. Disappointment about how things are in the present, and the courage to believe that they will become much better

Antonio Trenchev


Experts of the digital financial industry as one enthusiastically perceived support for cryptocurrency from Ilona Mask. No secured tokens are now provided with a patronage of one of the richest people in the world.

Dermot O'Riordan is a partner of the private investment company Eden Block, specializing in the blockchain: "Today's event in the coming years will be considered as a real turning point in the digital currency market. Support for Ilona and Tesla company legishes cryptocurrency and opens Bitcoin for a whole new class of retail and institutional investors. Now it seems that all Wall Street rushed to cryptocompany. "

Some went in their reflections much further and believe that the act of a mask should be considered as a disheveled quota of the traditional currency

"The richest person in the world just told us that he does not believe that dollars are a long-term savings. We received news from the smartest investors in the world, and now we received a signal from the richest people in the world: they all agree that investments 5-10% in BTC are an important part of a well-diversified portfolio, "says Alex Carinsky, General Director of Celsius Network cryptocredittor.

It is worth noting that despite the historical maxima that beatkoin beats, the real excitement has not yet come. This confirms the statistics of Google search queries, which is much lower than December 2017.

In pursuit of the news trend should not forget about potential risks and not to go on the "insiders". From increasing the cost of cryptocurrency, first of all benefit the active holders of digital assets. As in the famous trader saying: "When your taxi driver says that you need to buy shares, you understand that it is time to sell them."

The ability of Ilona Mask to influence financial flows does not always find a positive reinforcement from the point of view of legality. So, in 2018, the US Securities Commission accused the Tesla owner in fraud and the introduction of investors in confusion.

Ilon Mask posted Twitt: "Am Considering Taking Tesla Private AT $ 420. Funding Secure. - I am thinking to redeem Tesla shares at $ 420. Funding is. " At the same time, at that time the cost on the stock exchange was $ 336.

Expected quotes of the shares of electrocarbers showed rapid growth, but the message was not reinforced, and the paper collapsed below the initial price

Ilon Mask went to the transaction with the investigation, agreed to pay a fine of $ 20 million and left for three years the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tesla. The billionaire statements were obviously false.

"Mask not only did not only have confirmation, but did not even discuss key transaction conditions with any potential source of financing," said the Securities Commission.

The billionaire did not recognize his guilt, but further agreed to compensate the company's damage, bought out profitable shares for $ 20 million

The securities market is unstable, the cryptocurrency market is not enough of the fact that it is unstable, he is also absolutely provided. Users of the Reddit Forum, who united, was reducing Gamestop shares by 200%, and Ilona Mask on Twitter 46 million readers and a peculiar sense of humor.

Photo: Getty Images

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