Manufacturer Piece Andrei Sabalevsky: Most masks are really poorly protected. What to do?

Manufacturer Piece Andrei Sabalevsky: Most masks are really poorly protected. What to do? 7785_1
Manufacturer Piece Andrei Sabalevsky: Most masks are really poorly protected. What to do? 7785_2

Until Spring-2020, I was engaged in various business projects, the last of them is the sale of country houses. I finally made sure that there is something very serious in the world when sales in mid-March fell rapidly. People began to abandon agreements, some openly admitted: "The time has come when not before construction." I tried to figure out what was going on, and I realized that everything around was afraid of coronavirus, the unknown was feared. The world, as they now love to talk, began to change rapidly.

At the same time, it became obvious that throughout the planet, including in Belarus, unexpectedly faced with an acute deficit of personal protective equipment. I and my comrades were looking for masks for myself and relatives and understood that nothing really high-quality in an open sale is actually impossible. Judging by the official reports, in Belarus, the probability of COVID is becoming more small, but the alarm has grown up, and to protect itself as recommended by epidemiologists, it turned out not all.

Therefore, literally in a few days, we decided to completely reorient our activities and engage in the production of respirators and masks. For several months, preparation was trained, on May 19, I got to the hospital with coronavirus and pneumonia and final steps on the way to the opening of production corrected, so to speak, from the thickness of the events - the "Covered" branch.

I confess, "Crown" changed my life. At 33, I had an unpleasant experience that I did not worry before. I was surprised to find out that I could have a temperature of 34.8 or that it can start with 36.6 and fly to 39.5 per hour. In the hospital chamber, I probably was the most "Light", people around coughed in such a way that it seemed as if they would leave the lungs on the floor. Nearby lay a 55-year-old man, whose saturation was obtained to raise to 92 only "on oxygen". The official statistics reported that in the country from COVID two or three people die, but at the same time I saw in the first three days, as soon as you were taken away from my floor two, covered with a sheet ... It was a completely different world, other than what I was See before.

After the hospital, I finally said goodbye with the concept of "a disease that rages outside the door of the house will bypass us," radically changed his attitude to those who just hoped that "swears", and nothing does so that it will "carry" anything happened . Especially painfully perceive "Cowid" --Dussident, as I believe that, showing ignorance, they risk not health - their own and relatives, but also expose the lives of completely unfamiliar people, for example, my and my family.

Now the situation has changed. Individual protection products in stores a lot, but if you think that the security issue (in the case when it can be provided) is resolved, - mistaken.

First, many people still believe that the mask or respirator, a safe distance and processing of hands - nonsense, which they impose. Despite the fact that in the country, according to official statistics, 1.4 thousand people have died from COVID, despite the fact that their relatives or acquaintances lie in the hospital, dissidents hardly try not to see what is happening, denying reality. In their parallel world, Coronavirus is a invented horror stroke, no more dangerous than flu, to defend themselves pointless and economically unprofitable.

This is a global problem, such a thing happens all over the world, the reasons for such a relationship somewhat: many are not ready to recognize their personal responsibility for the health of others, people have distrust of power, do not forget about banal fear before the frightening reality. Exceptions are only some countries, such as Japan or China, where wearing masks have long become a generally accepted culture.

Secondly, I have many questions to many personal protective equipment that now went on sale. At the time of crisis, a large number of permits for the production and implementation of SIZ with the condition of mandatory certification for 12 months was issued. That is, you start to do the masks right now, but you can certify them a year later. A lot of companies took advantage of this and make masks in three layers of gauze or spunbond. The level of protection, both yourself and those surrounding, while wearing such a mask is insignificant, I would even say, they are most likely psychological benefits - everything is calm (this is, of course, a joke).

In fact, it is not quite ridiculous, because people who wear similar masks are confident in their defense and behave more carelessly: go to the elderly relatives, in the places of a large cluster of people. And protection, in fact, no!

In most civilized countries, there are quite stringent standards for the manufacture of personal protective equipment, in them, for example, it is written that the medical mask must be made of certain materials and give certain indicators when testing. If these indicators are not respected - it is simply not allowed to sell it.

There is also the local problem of the customs union, it lies in the fact that we have no hard regulation of the concept of what, for example, a medical mask. Because of this, masks appear on the market through which the person's face is shifted! What can she protect you? I will share my opinion: more trust in me cause masks, on which Made in China is written than those produced in Russia or Belarus.

Masks whose protection I would characterize as "insufficient", today on sale in Belarus, in my opinion, about 80%. This, you see, a lot. I can assume that after the expiration of the term in one year, many people who have passed the certification of PPE themselves. I like the manufacturer, I want to tell you about several criteria, allowing you to choose the best mask.

The presence on the packaging indication of the composition in the format of "Spunbond, Meltblanov, Spunbond". Meltblown is one of the most common materials for the manufacture of PPE. It is made from micro and nanofolkone and has an excellent protective function, and the air is well filtered and does not allow the viruses to penetrate the respiratory pathways of the person. Very good, if the packaging of the masks is the correspondence of GOST R 58396-2019 and / or EN 14683: 2014. This is the standard for the production of medical masses. You can also ask for a copy of the certificate of conformity from the seller. In addition, you can use the visual control method: the mask should not be shifted. As I said above, through three layers of Sponbond in masks without MeltBlaown, a silhouette of a person is visible. Personally, I will add another method, which is probably not suitable for everyone. I call it "method of 51 masks." You buy one mask and disassemble it right near the push. If you see two or three layers of spanbond or other material that is different from MeltBlaown, the quality of such masks is doubtful. MeltBlaun - loose material, which with a little effort can be stretched by fibers - they are noticeable visually. The material reminds a bit of paper, it can be easily breaking. Also, when disassembling a mask, separately rigs through its layers. Through the real protective layer of MeltBlaown, breathe noticeably more difficult than through spunbond. If the mask arranged you - buy 50 (or how much you need), without worrying about quality.

We all hope that in 2021 Coronavirus will cease to be frightening reality and we will again live "as before." We must admit that it is unlikely to happen. Many say: "All the same pass!" Perhaps this is so. But personally, I wish you from all my heart if it is forced, as possible as possible and as much as possible, enter, so to speak, in those 98.5%, which will survive the "coronacrizis" and find out what will happen to our planet after How mankind will come up with how to cope with him.

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