Purpose and method of growing


    Good afternoon, my reader. Preparation for the vaccination of trees is done in advance. For this you need two components: brought and diving.

    Purpose and method of growing 7778_1
    Purpose and method of growing giving Maria Verbilkova

    Putting for fruit plants. Stock Illustration For article Used from the site Radugavkusoff.ru

    The cruise is the top, which will then give the fruit. Lock - bottom, base of wood with roots. The quality and fullness of the nutrition of the vertex depends on it.

    In stock should be strong and insensitive to fungi and bacteria, possess frost resistance, not depend on weak or high humidification, it is easy to adapt to the climate and have compatibility with the lead.

    Brought from seed or bones, the fruit tree did not give the desired fruits. They will be small, acidic and misunderstood. To get the desired harvest, the cultural sprout should be instilled in a wild root, then all the best properties of the selected variety will be revealed.

    To do this, take a stalk from the selected variety and instill it to a better adaptable to adverse weather phenomena and disease, and then the tree will give juicy and delicious fruits.

    This dive is grown from seeds or bones. As a result, unpretentious trees with powerful roots resistant to drought or frosts grow. They have a long period of fruiting, abundant harvest. With such a tree, sometimes there are difficulties in harvesting or pruning. It takes a lot of places for wood, so it will not be possible to plant them in a small area. Powerful roots can damage shallow groundwater.

    This is a vegetative method of growing stock. An artificially grown variety is taken and breeded with cuttings or decodes, which allows you to save the beneficial properties and quality of material.

    Clone strucks are divided into two types:

    • Dwarf with a tree height of 2-3 m.
    • Halfcaric with a height of a tree 3-4 m.

    Different trees on a clone-cutting cutting. After 2 years, it is possible to obtain the first harvest. These trees are not difficult to cut, additional devices (stairs) are not required to collect fruits. Vintage, compared to seed, high quality better. Trees do not require a lot of space, so well placed on a small area. The surface root system is not terrible groundwater.

    Purpose and method of growing 7778_2
    Purpose and method of growing giving Maria Verbilkova

    Putting. Stock Illustration For article Used from Diz-cafe.com

    At the same time, the care of trees on the clone stock is more laborious. The surface root system is afraid of severe frosts and suffers from lack of water. You have to install the backups so that the tree does not fall. The period of fruiting is relatively short (from 8 to 15 years)

    A couple of weeks before sowing is prepared soil. Weeds are removed and fertilizer is made. Per 1 m2 8 kg of compost or manure, 50 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potash nitrate. At the spring landing requires stratification of the sowing material.

    For seeds, seeds and bones are collected from the fruits of the best trees in the garden. They need to go through, rinse and dry, pouring on paper. You can sow fall, before frost, or in the spring, when the soil warms a little.

    Seeds are closed to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, with a distance between them 2 cm. The bone is closed to a depth of 2.5-4 cm, with a distance of 6-8 cm.

    For vaccination, seedlings will be prepared in 1-2 years after it is fixed.

    Clone stock is best grown in the summer (May - June). The cuttings are cut off with a healthy branch without damage. The thickness should be about 7 mm, and the length is 10-15 cm. Cut the cuttings is necessary for garden scissors or a sharp knife. The lower cut is made by the neglection, with an indent from the lower kidney by 0.5 cm. The upper is made direct, next to the kidney. 2 lower sheets must be cut under the base, and the remaining leaves are half.

    Cherenkov should have greenhouse conditions. To do this, set arcs and pull the film. For confident formation of roots, water should be watering for 2 weeks 3-4 times a day, then once a day, after a couple of weeks, watering is reduced to 3 times a week.

    To the vaccination, the dive will be ready after 1-2 years.

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