Beauty Secrets: 9 Care Tips for Painted Hair

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In fact, hair paints are a great invention that allows partially or completely change its appearance and at the same time get rid of the hated gray. However, in order for your hair to always have a brilliant and healthy look, you need to make certain efforts, approves.

How to preserve the beauty and health of painted hair?

Try not to wash them every day.

If you are painting the hair not for the first time, then probably noticed that with frequently, their washing the color quickly dumps. Also, do it daily is simply impractical.

It is believed that wash your head twice a week is enough to maintain their purity. In this way, you will be able to save the color of the painted outliers for a longer time, and the hair will stop being frown so quickly.

Use shampoo for painted hair
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Currently, finding shampoos for painted hair does not represent any problems. There is even a series of funds intended for different colors and shades. These shampoos are better feeding curls along the entire length, which makes it possible to more effectively take care of their beauty and health.

Use heat protection spray

Before leaving the house to the open sun, or if you are laying the hair with an iron, screws for curling, do not forget to apply thermal spray.

Painted hair in any case is somewhat land and more brittle, so they need additional protection from the sun and heat.

Do not forget to use hair mask

Do not regret your acquisition funds or prepare a high-quality mask with a moisturizing effect. As mentioned above, painted hair can be somewhat land, so they must be hydrate.

If possible, refuse to use a hair dryer

The constant use of this device can even more damage the painted hair. Therefore, let the curls of the opportunity to dry out naturally (especially this applies to the summer months). The same applies to iron and other appliances for laying with high temperatures.

Make a break in staining
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After staining, wait at least six weeks before do it again. During this period, the roots will not grow strongly, and therefore there is no need to use paint. Otherwise, you risk hard to damage your hair.

Do not wash your hair with hot water

Washing hot water will lead to dull paint, and the hair will lose their natural glitter. If you want the color to hold longer, spend the hygienic procedure with warm water, and then rinse the cold. Unless, of course, practice a contrasting soul.

Use keratin

Keratin is a type of protein that has become the most popular ingredient in hair products, especially painted. It moisturizes curls and prevents damage, ensures their healthy shine.

In this case, it is best to advise with a hairdresser, which will help you choose the best product for you.

Regular suspension
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If you regularly paint your hair, you need to cut ends slightly more often. As they grow, they will be more "sneeze." Therefore, it is best to crop tips at least once every two months. But still consult with your hairdresser about how often you need to do it.

Surely you will be interested to read that our hair is withstanding a huge load and can be stretched for several centimeters, but these unusual qualities have only healthy curls. Determine what state is your hair, you can independently.

Photo: Pixabay.

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