Coordination Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship in Arzamas began work in a new format

Coordination Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship in Arzamas began work in a new format 7740_1

The Coordination Council for Entrepreneurship Development in Arzamas began work in a new format. Now the regional cousovers will include representatives of the regional infrastructure for the support of entrepreneurship and the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship Maxim Cherkasov said at an expanded meeting of the Council for the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship of Arzamas.

The main task of coordination councils is to solve issues of entrepreneurs who require an integrated approach.

"Coordination Tips for Entrepreneurship Development work in each area of ​​the region. They include active entrepreneurs and representatives of the administration of the municipality. Accordingly, the decision-making level is district. Now, representatives of the regional infrastructure support of SMEs and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod region will also be included in the composition of the Corsetov, which will make it possible to use an integrated approach to solving the problems of entrepreneurs and attracting investments for business development in areas of all possible sources, "the minister said.

The project reformatting for the development of entrepreneurship was developed jointly by the regional Ministry of Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Region and the Agency for the Development of the Cluster Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

According to Maxim Cherkasov, the pilot reformatting project of the Corsetov was launched in Khevninsky district.

"The year of work in a new format showed very good results: more than 100 million rubles were attracted to the area to support entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs created more than 80 new jobs. By the way, the problematic issues will come to Corset and through the "My Business" windows, which we discovered in the national and secondary entrepreneurship and support of the individual entrepreneurial initiative "in 30 municipalities," the Minister noted.

Recall that the National Project "Small and Middle Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative" was developed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin "On the National Treaties and Strategic Terms of Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024." It includes five federal projects: "Improving the conduct of entrepreneurial activities", "Acceleration of small and medium-sized businesses", "promoting entrepreneurship", "expanding access of SMEs subjects to financial resources, including preferential financing" and "Creating a farmers support system and the development of rural cooperation. "

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