Actor Solovyov refused sons and asks to deprive his parental rights

Actor Solovyov refused sons and asks to deprive his parental rights 7720_1

The star of the serials Konstantin Solovyov refuses his native sons. Why does the actor demands that they deprived parental rights? And is it not guilty of this former wife?

In secular events, 47-year-old Konstantin Solovyov does not bring eyes in love with a young wife - Choreographer Anastasia. They grow daughters - 9-year-old Lisa and 2-year-old Lena. The actor's wife boasts: he is the perfect family man. Despite employment, the slab in their house is always worth Solovyov.

But the actor changes in his face as soon as it comes to his sons from marriage with the actress Evgenia Ahremenko - 10-year-old Dane and 8-year-old Timofee. According to him, this is such a topic that he would not like to raise.

Former spouse Solovyov, 45-year-old Ahremenko, does not hide: the star of the series and in marriage with her was the best husband and dad, until the novel was spinning with Anastasia. The eldest son was then three years old, the youngest - three months. According to the actress, Solovyov has not been communicating with children for seven years and blocks everyone who alone reminds him of heirs. The last straw for Ahremenko was the fact that the actor refused to sign permission to depart the children abroad. Although it was vital for their eldest son - a boy has seasonal allergies.

Evgenia Ahremenko, Actress: "Kostya said that he had no time for it. And when the lawyer still asked him, he said: You know, if I don't need such problems, let him deprive me of paternity. "

The woman recalls: after the divorce, she was silent for four years, hoped that his father's feelings awake in Solovyov. But even the alimony she had to beat through the court.

Evgenia Ahremenko: "I did not pay a penny until 2016. I appealed to the court. Kostya immediately agreed, we must pay tribute. And I receive 30 thousand for one child since 2016. Now you need to laugh at those people with whom it works, who know his fees. "

The former wife of Solovyov is accused of greed. Allegedly she left the actor without a penny.

Evgenia Ahremenko: "Kostya did not leave me an apartment, Kostya left me a mortgage. I and my family decided that we would keep this apartment. The contribution to this apartment gave me parents. 110 thousand per month I paid. "

It does not exclude: This rival is to blame for the fact that the actor forgot his native children.

Evgenia Ahremenko: "I received terrible messages from Nastya. She wrote: No need to send sons, Kostya says that it is a pity that he did not insisted on an abortion, and the eldest is just a big mistake. She recently contacted me and said: Forget the costa. She apparently wanted some kind of forgiveness. I had a thought to say: let's, I will send you all bills for psychologists that I get, you will pay them and then we will talk. But I, of course, did not do that. "

The actress decided not to wait until the actor his claim for the deprivation of his parental rights, and had already appealed to his lawyers.

Evgenia Ahremenko: "I know one thing: deprivation of father's rights does not exempt from paying alimony. And I believe that it is very correct and since you are not responsible for our children, then you carry it at least financially. "

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