"Ninja Turtles 2": four bodybuilders against the brain


Sikvel teenage blockbuster, in stupidity superior original

Two years ago, Paramount Pictures and Producer Michael Bay celebrated the 30th anniversary of Ninja Turtles next restart series. The first comic about the reptiles who received names in honor of the Renaissance Epoch was published in 1984. For three decades, the franchise was replenished with numerous graphic nominals, animation and not only films, as well as video games. Beyu and his colleagues who took the new full-length about the turtles, did not even have to come up with anything new: they simply retraced the story of how four mutants with the support of the selfless journalist Epril O'Neill (Megan Fox) rescued New York from the villain of Schrödder. Critics were separated by tape in the fluff and dust, but the film fans were found, and the fees were decent. Bay, of course, decided to continue; Sicvel's director's chair took Dave Green, whose name does not speak anything to a wide audience. Actually, the director of the audience know and should not: "Ninja Turtles 2" - a picture in which the handwriting of Bay himself is primarily noticeable.

"Ninja Turtles 2": watch a movie online

The second "turtles" begin to exactly where the previous ones ended: Schirder (Brian TI) - in prison. Reptiles - in sewage, city - safe. However, the reporter flair Epril displays the team to a new mark: it turns out that the brilliant scientist Baxter Stockman (Tyler Perry) switched to the dark side and thinks something unkind. Soon the physicist with the help of teleportation freed by Schrödder, and he comes to contact with a superzlode from the parallel world - the talking brain CRANG, who preferring time to spend time in the belly of a human-like robot. It turns out that Crang intends to capture the Earth, for which he needs to move its own huge ship into our world in parts - through the portal, the relatively modest dimensions of which, how to say, are not ideal for transportation.

If, after reading the previous paragraph, you have had fatigue or other signs of malaise, then there is nothing to do on the session. "Ninja Turtles 2" is an extremely stupid cinema, which is also proud of his own nonsense. The authors say as if they say: "We drew inspiration in a quarter of a century ago, cartoons and films about the turtles, and they did not differ in mind." It's like that; The only difference is that 25 years ago, the pictures about the ninja mutants were not filmed with the Beean scope.

Special effects in the film is not just a lot - the picture is literally overloaded. The second "turtles" open a dizzying scene: even before the audiences make it clear that, actually, it happens, we see how Leo, Raf, Donnie and T-shirts rushing somewhere, along the way incredible acrobatic tricks. The camera is barely time to follow the events (which, in principle, is characteristic of many Bay tapes). Already later, we learn that the turtles were in a hurry at all to meet evil, but (spoiler!) Was late for a sports match. In the future, the film practically does not slow down the pace. An unprepared viewer can be recommended from time to time to close the eyes (and at the same time), otherwise it indicates.

With special effects, by the way, everything is not so simple. Yes, there are many of them, and they obviously did not regret their funds. However, the work of artists causes some questions. Well, you can still agree that powerful, but stupid mutants Bibop and Rocksti, familiar to each fan of the series, came out with such ugly - after all, they were always portrayed. It is not very clear why heroes themselves - in theory, teenagers, although not quite ordinary - the second film in a row looks like thrown fighters from the Wrestlemania program. The ribbon repeatedly raises the question of why ordinary residents of New York are afraid of mutant turtles. The answer seems to be obvious: people are scared not panties and not green leather, but hypertrophied muscles. When the pitchings from the sewage open their mouths and begin to generate rambling nonsense (they said - adolescents, what else to wait from them), they generally cease to cause anything other than dislike.

Among all this chaos in some confusion, the actress Laura Linny wanders. The owner of two "golden globes" and three times a nomineer to Oscar got the role of the head of the New York Police of Rebecca Vincent. To her luck, the scenario suggests that Rebecca is confused most of the time (the fact is that she had never had to cooperate with reptiles earlier to save his native city from the talking brain). Therefore, Linny looks a little more natural than the vast majority of participants in the events: the actress, apparently, felt on the set exactly the same as her heroine in the film. Nevertheless, the involvement of Linni in the project looks like the lubrication of her talent. In about the same situation, Goldberg was located, for some reason, which dismissed in the previous "turtles".

Of course, the new "Ninja Turtles" will be their fans and defenders. They will say that this picture was removed with the sole purpose - to entertain the audience - and no longer claim to do. Will be celebrated that special effects in the film are abused, and no other audiences are required. In response, it is possible to recall that the entertainment movie is not at all necessary to be brainless, and he certainly should not be attempting to stun people sitting in front of the screen. Meanwhile, Michael Bay film after the film makes exactly this: since all his might hesitate the audience on his head with his ideas about what should be designed for adolescent action.

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