How to deserve to celebrate the birthday of a good friend?: Student bikes

How to deserve to celebrate the birthday of a good friend?: Student bikes 7700_1
Vasya Lojkin, "New Year's Corporate 1" (fragment), 2014 Photo:

All their teeth were integer. They were only to run the granite of science. Or losing in the tough commercial battles of those the most beautiful in their indescribable feeling of freedom of the 90s, which today for some reason is called "Lidi". In general, we were young, carefree, are not burdened with family and other grave obligations before the most advanced society in particular and all progressive humanity as a whole.

Therefore, probably, there is nothing surprising in the fact that somehow at the very end of winter the people gathered to adequately celebrate the birthday of a good friend of one of my former classmates. The crowd of students got a decent, ten man. Therefore, an option with a communal, where my classmate Dimka and my life of the school rattle - red, and his friend Sanya, and his friend Sanya, and his friend Sanya ...

In general, the option with a communal fell away. So much people would simply not fit in it. And then the culprit of the celebration suggested to wave into the country village near the Martushkino railway platform, where there was a house of someone from his acquaintances. No sooner said than done.

Jumping into the nearest food and purchasing everything you need in order to nicely celebrate a friend's birthday, we moved the entire honest company towards the Baltic station, the benefit from the communal in one of the old houses on the Fontanka embankment was not so far.

Tickets, of course, no one bought tickets. As soon as they saw the number standing at Perron - "Oh, on Lomonosov! Our!!" - Immediately, the whole crowd, a friendly jumped into the wagon somewhere in the middle of the composition.

- The most trump spot. No matter, controllers will sit in the head or in the tail of the composition. As soon as the hares run, I will immediately see wherever we have to lift, - on my mute, someone from the experienced, who rushed to Martushkino and before that.

The road under constant pensions like: "Well, where is your Gamadrilino (Makakino, Orangantangovo)? A, Sanya?! Long something else? Vodka, Vaughn, already starts to turn off, "- flew quickly. There was a longer from the platform to the cooperative, and then knee-deep in the snow made through his confusing streets, looking for the desired home.

While Sanya was moved somewhere behind the keys, they opened the first and let her in a circle, a snack of chicks from the gray loaf: "For Sugrev!" And it did not prevent peaceful. The weather was still winter, frost, although small, but felt. Yes, and the breeze from the bay did not add heat and comfort.

Therefore, when Sanya's keys returned, opened the front door and everything, the crowd breaking into the house, right there, without removing the jackets and the caps, plunged at the table, demanding the continuation of the banquet, I grabbed red for a trunk and went with him to the economic buildings, where On the outlines, albeit listed by the snow, but the pioneer was guessed.

Raw firewood, even though I am a foolish on a thin rachin, did not want to flare up for a long time. The benefit of the old newspapers in the house was enough, so through some kind of continuous!) Time in the furnace still took fire. True, despite the open view, the smoke for some reason went not to the pipe, but first in the kitchen, then in the room where the festival was already in full swing.

I had to urgently and the culprit of the celebration, and all his guests are evacuated to the street. And we are Dimka, coughing and fucking, continued to understand why the stove behaves so in a strange: everything seems to be done correctly, and smoke - both on the door, and in the window, and ... But in the pipe, if you go to the porch and see No one ... No, for some reason I didn't want to go smoke into the pipe. In no way. But as long as we understood, in the pipe suddenly somehow it is strangely keenly, then flushed loudly and ... and the fire went out.

When I opened the door, everything was scored inside the oven. Apparently, for the winter it was in the pipe, "I can't do it." He was lying, compared and did not give the smoke to outward. But the fire and heat still did their job, the pipe was heated, the snow, adjacent to her wall, was tenth and ... avalanche went down.

As the saying goes: There is no humus without good. Although the fire in the oven and went out, but the pipe from the snow cleared. So, there must be a thrust. And the firewood ... And the firewood from Sarai and Saraki with Dimka were enough. Two or three bookmarks should be enough. In general, after half an hour in the oven, the halves were having fun, smoke went there, where he had to go, and in the house it was noticeably warmer. I and Dimka with a sense of deliberate debt joined the total festival.

True, Redhead participated in it not so long, almost the first to fall off from the noisy feast. Although there was nothing unusual. Slim, thin, he with his "Baran" weighing "used" a little. And when Khmelel, tried to retake, as far as it was possible, lie down in some kind of secluded corner and sleep a little.

So that time everything came out about the same scenario. But there, at the cottage, he was very lucky with this early privacy. Sleeping places in the house was a bit, and since he dropped from the table the very first, he had the rightful right of choice. And red chose. The most trump spot: on a relatively soft sofa and, most importantly, in the immediate vicinity of the stove.

When in the middle of the night after the speed, on the dispute, the "swim" with a ramp on the deep, but gently and fluffy snow from the porch before the fence and back, I decided to fit and I, all sleeping places were already busy. The people got, without removing the jackets. There was nothing to throw on the floor. Yes, and we natoptali on it per day and the evening is decent. As I tried with the stove, despite the fact that the room was relatively warm, the floor still remained cool, so we went in the country, without removing the shoe.

Having all the "for" and "against", I ripped to Dimka and the sofa uniquely busy. He worst through the dream long, that "forty one, I sleep alone." But I am his weak arguments covered with impenetrable argument - "Thirty-eight, half, asking" - and pushed to the wall.

Already in the morning Dimka found out: "Who?! What infection? " What infection of his total (and face, and hair) smeared the toothpaste? "Who has" Pioneer Dressing "not played in one place?!" Naturally, I got into the discharge of the main suspects. What? We slept nearby, on one sofa, Dimka all this pasta is smeared, and I am clean like a cherub: "You, Kostyan! Your tricks. I know you "...

Nor wanted, but I had to get up, to conduct an internal investigation. It turned out to be someone from ours, standing in the morning for the need and running around the frost to the facilities standing on a decent distance from the house with a hole to the center of the Earth, almost woke up and felt that he was somehow not as usual in his mouth. No familiar freshness. "As the cats rushed in the mouth," the culprit of the morning perestroch was guilty.

To restore the former freshness, he did not come up with anything better than to take a "mint" toothpaste from the shellf, and clean her teeth. But since he did not have a toothbrush at hand, he, who would not think that, he replaced it with an index finger. And after his hygienic procedures, having spent on the rinse of the mouth all the small supply of water, which was still in the Hattle, simply Okter's hands about the towel, hanging immediately near the carnation.

Well, and Dimka, putting, washing, and by after bypassing the wet palm swallowed with the Worky's sleep, the same towel and laid out. The whole toothpaste remaining on the fabric moved on his face and hair. I had to poke his nose into this is the soaring towel:

- Look! See what you wiped out. And then Kati cart on her best friend!

To which redhead only silently spread his hands. In general, the world, friendship and froundshaft in tank troops, which were never afraid of dirt, were restored.

Author - Konstantin Kucher

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