Kirill Serebrennikov and a country that does not understand him


Kirill Serebrennikov and a country that does not understand him 767_1
Kirill Serebrennikov

February 2, Gogol Center, one of the most financially and creative successful Russian theaters, celebrated eight and a half years since the foundation. Under the curtain of the festive concert, the founder and artistic director of the theater Kirill Serebrennikov made a speech, which the quotes disassembled in the morning. Apparently, he not only led the results, but also forgiven - at the same time, information appeared on the holiday that the Moscow Department of Culture would not extend with the Serebrennikov contract expiring in the 20th of February. Decalt after stated that all the information publishes on its website, and the rumors and statements of anonymous sources are not going to comment.

But despite the lack of official confirmations (for this material, the Serebrennikov's answer also failed), the theater public discusses the departure of Serebrennikov as an event that has already happened. It is said that he himself was not eager to extend the contract. It is said that he has quite real offers from European theaters. They say that thank God that they do not extend - the "Seventh Studio" case clearly showed that from government money and posts better to stay away.

Russian culture in the world context

Kirill Serebrennikov unequivocally disappears without the Department of Culture, and without the Ministry of Culture, most likely, too. He is not just a big Russian theater and film director, he is a rare phenomenon now for Russia: a cultural figure of world importance. The country of great cultural heritage, Russia rather rapidly from the world scene - let's call it that - goes away. Not all is lost, much more consumed, but the production of the meanings is almost minimized. Heritage and history still help Russia to remain noticeable on the cultural card, but no longer allow it to be part of the global cultural process.

Exceptions, fortunately, is. Andrei Zvyagintsev and Kantemir Balagov in the cinema. Gosh Rubachinsky in fashion. Konstantin Chaykin - in a clock design. These are people whose artistic thought and the ability to embody her enter into a common context, in demand in the world - and at the same time continue the Russian cultural tradition.

In the Russian theater, such a person is Kirill Serebrennikov.

He is the only one of the Russians, three times bringing his produces to the Festival in Avignon (one of the main theater festivals of the world): "Idiots" in 2015, "Dead Souls" in 2016 and Outside in 2019 the last performance (by the way, who deserved The award for the best foreign performance of the Union of theatrical critics of France) Serebrennikov on the stage of Avignon did not see - was kept in Moscow under a subscription about the unseen-season.

Silventmen installed performances for theaters of Latvia, Germany and Switzerland. In August 2018 he became a commander of the French Ordena of Arts and Literature. He taught at Harvard - the Stanislavsky system.

And this is only the theater where silverniks are often busy. He has less work in the cinema, but very many were noticeable in the international arena too. The debut tape "Depicting the Sacrificment" in 2006 won the Roman Film Festival, furnishing 15 other competitive works. Four years later, his second job, the film "Treason", was nominated for the "Golden Lion" - the main prize of the Venetian film festival. "Pupil" earned the French Chalet's Prize at the 69th Cannes Film Festival. Finally, the picture "Summer", was completed by him during the investigative actions in the case of the "Seventh Studio", claimed the main award in Cannes and won a prize on the soundtrack there.

(Curious item - for the completeness of the picture. In the TASS report on the results of that festival, for some reason, the headline was made: "The film" Summer "of the Russian director Kirill Serebrennikova was perceived as a picture, not serious enough for the prizes of the Cannes Film Festival," and in the text mentioned that this is the opinion of the film critic Kirill Razlogov.)

And also the name Kirill Serebrennikov knows Kate Blanchett - it turned out when she among more than 35 world cultural figures signed a petition in defense of Serebrennikov, accused of embezzling public funds.

From Rostov to MHT

Kirill Serebrennikov was born in 1969 in Rostov-on-Don. Dad is a doctor, mother - a teacher of Russian language and literature. He carried away the theater since childhood, the first play put in school. Then he entered the Faculty of Faculty of Rostov State University, graduated from a red diploma.

But in the specialty did not go, switched to the theater and television. For several years, I put 10 performances in all theaters of Rostov-on-Don, many of which became noticeable at the federal level.

In 2000, silventmen moved to Moscow - and here the takeoff is almost vertical: it puts for the "contemporary" and MHT them. Chekhov. Serebrennikov has tremendous performance, it works at the same time on TV, and in the theater, and in the movies. For me, for me, the first performance of Serennikov is a "sweet-haired bird of youth" in the "contemporary" with Marina Neelan and Yuri Kolfolnikov. 2002, silventmen essentially began to work much at the federal level. The legendary theater, the emerging team, star production. And he came - and did something completely new. Not anti-Soviet, but just another. Nonvesta.

Oddly enough, silventmen are not a radical artist, which it often represents it today. It works in the space of the traditional scene-box, relies on the literary text, put a lot of classics. From the point of view of the modern theater of its performances - high-quality mainstream, organically inscribed in the European context. The same can be said about the films. "Summer", for example, an excellent romantic musical. Serebrennikov wizard to take a story that is understandable to the Russian viewer and tell it the language of the modern world. In a normal situation, he would never have become a symbol of any opposition - neither in aesthetic, nor in the political sense. And if you bind the story 10 years ago, we can remember that the power then considered it rather an ally than an opponent. Simply, the Russian official course was so broke up with the global, that a person entered into the global context, somehow itself was opposed to power and its vision of culture.

The farther, the more social was the statements of Serebrennikov. He not only does not hide his public position in numerous interviews, but also strengthens the social agenda. At first, a little bit (for example, after the protests 2011-2012. A episode with law enforcement agencies appeared in the "three-chic opera"). Then - by reflection of reality whole works, such as, for example, "(m) student".

"Every artist chooses for myself. There are those that are on the drum, as me, for example. There are others who are friends with society, social problems for them are not abstract, but very specific, they feed them as artists, "answered me to the question whether the artist should be socially active, Pavel Koodlevich.

Silventmen in this sense exactly refers to others. He believes that the theater can not be in the separation of what is happening. "We prepared for the anniversary of the Golden Mask and compared the winners and events in the same year. Do not intersect at all. Examination of the White House - and "Uncle Vanya". We can not find out about the history of the theater the history of the country. It always seemed wrong to me, "he said a few days ago in the podkaster" either - either. "

In Wikipedia, it is written about him: "Serebrennikov is inherent in liberal political views, he acts as criticizing the Russian government, its views are characterized by analysts as radical." Honestly, it seems very big exaggeration. Yes, he speaks openly, straight, his position on many issues is clear. But in his intonation (in public interviews and performances) there is no aggression, attacks, desire to humiliate or destroy. There is a clarity of wording, but it is infinitely far from hysterics, for example, many programs on federal channels. Even after the detention and during the criminal proceedings, silventmen did not call himself, did not go down to rudeness and did not build himself offended - although it was for what.

Case "Seventh Studio"

Despite the rapid takeoff, the public popularity and the recognition of colleagues, one hundred percent adoption of Serebrennikov also did not.

He received the first "golden mask" only in 2012 - the performance of "scumbags" won in the nomination "The best performance of small form." And by that time he already had how many hits.

"Simply the current composition of the" mask "jury could not inherent the" golden mask "of Serebrennikov under no circumstances. This is not a conspiracy, there are aesthetic differences here: the majority of theatrical figures that made a decision, the same theater I do not like. This is normal. I really do not like the theater for which they vote. We have a attack agreement. In general, the presence of enemies - the thing in my work is natural, "he said in an interview with Vedomosti in 2005

Having received an invitation from Oleg Tabakov to gaining a course at the Studio School MCAT, he also ran into oblique glands of colleagues: he himself without a profile education, scored unclear whom, teaches not clear what. And after becoming in 2012, the theater of the theater. Gogol, the future "Gogol Center", he received the first proceedings, literally released outside the theater: the actors of the former troupe arranged a picket and accused of a new leader in the fact that they were forced to quit them. Then everything quickly slept, and Gogol Center turned into one of their most successful modern creative studios of Moscow and all Russia. Not only as the theater. As, for example, in one time "Vinzavod" or the Garage Museum, Gogol Center has become a fashionable place and a point of attraction for young people and all who are looking for the most bold, bright, topical.

Everything was hushed in 2017. Serebrennikov was detained on charges of budgetary money. During the filming of the film "Summer" - which later silventmen will finish, as can be said now, on the remote, - being under house arrest. In the status of the suspect, he will do more than others in life. In addition to the "summer", a documentary film about his shooting, the ballet "Nureyev" in the Bolshoi Theater (which, because of his home arrest, will miss silvernikov, but will visit, for example, a spokesman for President Dmitry Sadkov, who later produced a high assessment) and the performance " Little tragedies "in the Gogol Center, for which finally will receive a long-honored" mask "- for the best performance in the drama and as a director.

This is the Kafkian Justice, where the charge will try to prove either the embezzlement, whether the setting of "sleep in a summer night" was not at all, will end with the accusatory sentence. Silventmen will not want to protest him. It can be understood - losing three years on incomprehensible litigation, why renew it? Those who support Serennikov and considers it innocent, hardly to believe this court. And to convince those who believe that "just do not judge," - really, why?

Six months later, after the sentence, the anniversary of the Gogol Center will happen. During the concert, Kirill Serebrennikov thanks her troupe, the audience and Sergey Kapkova (inviting him to this position), admits that together with the team managed to get into the history of the country and the history of theater, will say important words about dignity, loyalty and that "eight As a half years, this is enough, so as not to stop despise those who destroys beauty, harm art and destroys freedom. " He also calls some important figures: they made 60 performances, visited 35 tour tours, a million viewers and almost a billion on the sale of tickets.

But about other figures of these eight and a half years he will not remind. Three years conditionally and 800,000 rubles. The fine of Serebrennikov himself, two years conditionally and a fine of 200,000 rubles. Alexey Malobrodsky and three years conditionally and 200,000 rubles. Penalty Yury Itina, accused with him. More than 1000 days under investigation. The impossibility of going to the funeral Mom - she died in 2018, silventhers then was under house arrest.

Speak, Serebrennikov has suggestions from European theaters. Although it is unlikely that he will leave for a lot - silverniks said a lot that in the modern world the boundaries are conditional, the emigration has not been a dramatic shade for a long time and he does not want to leave Russia. But even if so. Yes, our country can remain without a bright cultural hero. But after all, the deposit is not going anywhere. What is he, the performance does not suit us?

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