"I always dreamed of sailing in silence, without a fuss" - how was the fate of Mary Mironova


And Ekaterina Grad Maria Mironov in some kind was the shadow of the famous Father. She had a lot of strength to attach to prove that she in itself is a personality with creative abilities.

Maria Mironova, photo: SimpleSlim.ru

Father's daughter

"Dad was very modest. Every time I went to the scene as for the first time. I often used them with my mother in the theater, although my father really did not like when I was behind the scenes. Mom said that he was nervous when men looked at me, "

- Mary told.

Maria Mironova with father Andrei Mironov

Mironov's daughter often felt just furnished:

"For example, it comes to the costume room one employee with a new one and tells her, pointing to me:" So pay attention, the daughter of Andrei Mironova. " At such moments, I feel an antique piano on which Mozart played. These are constant comparisons: "looks like!" ",

Maria confessed that, undoubtedly, the famous surname is a big advance, that's just returning it to even greater return.


Like any other actress Mironov, very often fantasies, embellishes real events and plays roles even in ordinary life.

She tries not to share their personal lives with details with journalists, often disappears from their husbands and lovers. If you leave the dialogue, it does not work, it is responsible for:

"It's only mine. Why should I share intimate? "
Andrei Soroka and Maria Mironova, photo: Goodhouse.ru

Maria has long hid his current spouse and her father's father. According to the actress, he is a company development director who is engaged in medical nanotechnology. In fact, it turned out to be quite a young, few people who are known, the actor from the Urals Andrei Soroka. Selected of the Mironova's peer of her eldest son. Although Maria did not lie in: he actually threw the acting profession and went into business.

Good deeds

In 2008, Maria Mironova, Yevgeny Mironov, Igor Vernik and Leonid Yarmolnik jointly created the Artist Foundation to support the theater and cinema veterans."If you do not exist within the framework of" out of the house - I sat down in the car - I went to work - I came home, "and at least you look around around, then you can not see how many beggars suffering around. And you can't wanted to help them. And this action is help - gives an unreal sense of life. You understand, for what you need to get up in the mornings and go somewhere. It's like a gym - difficult, reluctance, but you go and start doing exercises. And - opa! - Suddenly you notice that the spin has passed, and the ease in the body appeared, and the mood has improved. You build a schedule, you run somewhere, at least for an hour you go to the veteran. And then you see his eyes and understand that a person needs to speak. And you sit with him for two hours, three and forget about your stupid schedule. And you go out with the feeling that the day live is not in vain, "

- Share the artist.

Dreaming is not harmful

Maria Mironova told about his dreams:

"I always dreamed of sailing in silence, without fuss. Recently I performed this dream - got a country house. This is my fortress, my territory, which is not let anyone. "

According to 47-year-old actresses, long dreams and memories are not about it. She was accustomed to doing something and seek their goals:

"Life is what is here and now. And when you come to the point of nonsense and inappropriate expectations in the future, you become truly happy. "

The eldest daughter of Tatiana Navka and Alexander Zhulin did not go in the footsteps of famous parents and chose her way for himself. And the native brother Evgenia Leonov never watched films with the participation of a famous actor and lived absolutely another life. Also it became known that Elena Malysheva was in the hospital because of parting with her husband. The experiences of the dealer brought it to a hypertensive crisis.

What do you think, is it really not a child of a famous parent just? Write in the comments.

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