Presented long-playing smartphones Moto G10 and Moto G30


Presented long-playing smartphones Moto G10 and Moto G30 7630_1

Moto G10 and Moto G30 smartphones are officially represented, long-playing thanks to powerful batteries. In addition to the capacious battery, the devices also received high-quality cameras, a processor and a separate button to call Google Assistant.

His new smartphones of the G series presented the Moto brand, two devices immediately will replenish the ranks of long-playing gadgets. The battery in Moto G10 and Moto G30 corresponds to 5 thousand Ma • h, which will allow all day to actively use them, without searching the outlet. In addition, the devices are equipped with support for 10- and 20-watt charging, depending on the model. Displays of new products support the 60-herth update of images in the case of G10, and 90-hertz in the G30 modification. The size of the LCD screens performed using IPS technology is 6.5 inches and has a resolution of 720 to 1600 points. Both "smart phones" are equipped with plastic enclosures with water-repellent design.

The main photo camera received the main sensor in 48 million pixels. Self-lens here 8 megapixels. Another model has a sensor by 64 million pixels with a diaphragm F / 1.7, supplemented by an ultra-wide-generated lens for 8 megapixels and a pair of 2 megapixel scene depth sensor and macromodule. Selfie here can be removed on the 13 megapixel chamber. Power and performance devices provide Snapdragon 460 and 662 single-chip mobile platforms from Qualcomm. Complement processors 4- and 6 gigabyte RAM chips. You can store any type of information on devices using Flash-driven memory storage devices by 64 and 128 gigabytes.

Moto G10 and Moto G30 work on the eleventh generation of the Android operating system, the manufacturer added a number of Motorola's branded options. Also there are traditional Bluetooth 5.0, 4G and Wi-Fi modules, USB-C, geolocation sensors and a FM radio receiver. Gadgets can also be used to pay for goods in stores with NFC. Both devices also received protection according to IP52. In addition, the devices received a special button for the emergency call of Google Assistant, it is put on the side of the device. The cost of Moto G10 and Moto G30 will be 150 and 180 euros, respectively.

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