New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things "Skolkovo"


On the eve of the new year, five new therapeutic zones were opened in the Technopark "Skolkovo". This event took place in the center of innovation and Internet of things in health care. The Astrasenec and other Russian and foreign developers became the initiators of the Center for the creation of the Center. Supported the organization of the center of the Skolkovo Foundation, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Industrialists of the Russian Federation, as well as leading clinical specialists.

In 2019, the Center opened and began work in the following areas:

  1. Acute coronary syndrome.
  2. Lung cancer.
  3. Sugar diabetes type 2.
  4. Bronchial asthma.

These diagnoses occupy the main place in the structure of morbidity and mortality of the Russian population. The development and implementation of innovative solutions for their treatment can increase the health of Russia's inhabitants and reduce mortality.

New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things

The center is a platform for demonstrating new medical technologies, projects that become part of a large-scale innovative ecosystem. As part of this system, doctors and IT specialists are jointly looking for ways to the most effective diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of common hazardous diseases.

In 2020, the theme and exposition of the Center expanded. The following thematic areas were added to the existing therapeutic directions:

  • Chronic heart failure
  • Oncohematology
  • Mammary cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Prostate cancer

Zones were created in collaboration with Astraseneca. The decision was supported by the company "Jansen". This is the pharmaceutical division of Johnson & Johnson participated in the development of solutions for oncohematology.

Concept authors proposed new algorithms to improve the quality of diagnosis and therapy of listed diseases. Their proposals are aimed at reducing the number of cases, reducing complications and mortality.

Pavel Pugachev, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, was focused on the fact that today it is not enough to develop new medical technologies. They must be integrated among themselves and in the general information system of Russian health care. New developments must reach practitioners, be understood and convenient for work. Then they will be able to facilitate the work of physicians and improve the quality of medical services to patients. The sites similar to the center in Skolkovo are important for demonstrating new products. Here it is possible to observe the work of the new technology in reality. According to the Deputy Minister, the Center must expand and attract the best Russian and foreign developers of innovative medical technologies to cooperate.

Veronica Skvortz, head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia, "Center for Innovation and Internet of Things in Health Care" is named one of the best and advanced sites, who managed to collect innovative medical technologies. It is especially important that the playground demonstrates the application of these developments in the complex, at the same stage of patient support. The Agency is interested in the presented developments and will be used in their practice of cancer treatment. In the FMBA structure there are many institutions of various focus - Scientific centers and advanced medical institutions. Their cooperation with the center will give concrete results and will improve the quality of the population's medical service.

Arkady Dvorkovich, Chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation, it is emphasized that cooperation with leading industries and authorities of the Russian Federation is important for the successful development of the innovation platform. Partners of the Center are:

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • FMBA RF;
  • Roszdravnadzor;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Pharmaceutical companies "Astrasenec", "Johnson & Johnson";
  • Regional medical institutions, etc.

The head noted the importance of supporting high-tech startups, integrating them into the work of therapeutic directions. This is the goal and content of the Foundation. In just a year, the center managed to expand the therapeutic zones from four to nine directions. In five new zones, projects will be presented to treat the most dangerous diseases. If these proposals are involved in practice, they will save many lives of seriously ill patients.

New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things

Irina Panarina, the General Director of Astrasenek, Russia and Eurasia, notes that the coronavirus pandemic showed the need to support the development of innovative technologies in medicine. These developments helped improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of chronic and other severe diseases. The future of medicine is an ecosystem, in the center of which are the patient and the algorithm for its treatment, from diagnostics to rehabilitation and prevention. Just such an ecosystem and is the center of innovation and the Internet of things in health care. At this site, good conditions have been created for the cooperation of specialists of all directions of the medical industry. The company "Astraseneca" not only initiated this project, but also provided its technical capabilities, expert services. The company cooperates with the best suppliers of equipment and technologies.

Katerina Puekodina, CEO of Johnson & Johnson LLC, Managing Director of Janssen, Russia and the CIS, expressed the view that the opening of the oncohematology zone in Skolkovo will increase the level of awareness and quality of the examination of Russian specialists. The oncohematology zone presents the tools and the ideal path of treatment with multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. This algorithm can be scaled for all Russian medical clinics.

New therapeutic zones

  1. The zone of chronic heart failure.

It is highlighted in order to create accurate routing of the patient, separating the path of its treatment into separate stages, outpatient and stationary.

New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things

The main task of creating a zone was the need for "seamless assistance" to patients. "Seamless" in this case means continuous. When assisting the patient, the continuity of its treatment is important. All specialists who help the patient should know the previous indicators of his health, research and test results, procedures and prescribed treatment. If the patient was treated and stationary, and outpatient, then the doctors of hospitals and the clinic should have all its medical records decorated at each stage of treatment.

The zone demonstrates solutions that are possible to organize the patient's monitoring passing at home.

For this purpose used:

  • new technological equipment;
  • opportunities of artificial intelligence;
  • Software, etc.

All innovative solutions allow you to carry out high-quality diagnosis, operational communication of a doctor and a patient, large-scale support for medical decisions.

Achievements of innovative medical technologies are applicable to home monitoring patients, as well as to monitor stationary patients and visitors to the clinics.

New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things

  1. Oncohematology zone.

It is planned to demonstrate the highest quality and optimal medical solutions for the treatment of patients suffering from common blood-based blood diseases. Among such diagnoses are special danger:

  • multiple myeloma;
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

The best innovative projects intended for assistance in the work of the oncohematological service will be demonstrated within the borders of this zone. Information about the successes of clinician doctors will be available to the entire medical community, scientists, experts, doctors of federal and regional medical centers, pharmacology and patients themselves. The use of advanced treatment methods will lead to improved medical care for cancer patients.

  1. The breast cancer zone accumulates advanced digital technologies and medical solutions that use infinite features of artificial intelligence.

Innovative solutions help cope with the following problems:

  • Lack of patient data consolidation systems;
  • variability interpretation of data of visual methods of research and morphology of the tumor;
  • Low availability of predictive tests and personalized methods of patient management.

Overcoming these difficulties with digital technologies, doctors will be able to significantly improve the quality of medical care to their patients.

New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things

  1. Ovarian cancer zone. Here will be collected advanced experience in creating models of high-quality treatment of the disease. The use of new technologies in this direction of medicine is possible at all stages of therapy:
  • diagnostics;
  • Consultations and consultations of doctors of various specialties;
  • selection of individual tactics of therapy with innovative approaches in determining the molecular genetic profile of tumor and digital pattomorphology;
  • holding telemedicine counseling;
  • accurate surgery;
  • Medical and genetic studies of patients and their relatives.

Innovative solutions are able to play a guarantee in the fight against these diseases.

  1. Prostate cancer zone.

Here is a model of high-quality treatment of patients. Within the framework of the model, doctors of various specialties can be involved, which can discuss complex cases with the help of telemedicine platforms and offer optimal treatment methods. When creating a customer-oriented model, the following innovative approaches are used:

  • unifying the diagnosis of RPG and screening protocols;
  • providing the optimal option of anti-cancer therapy;
  • Improving the accuracy of the verification of the diagnosis.

The introduction of these solutions to the daily practice of the clinics will reduce the scale of operational intervention, to find an individual treatment technique for each individual patient, and, it means, the quality of medical care will increase.

New therapeutic zones of the Center for Innovation and Internet of Things

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